Shearwater Perdix Air Integrated...Opinions

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All this huffIng and puffing over GTR will eventually be irrelevant. Looking at Shearwaters' unmatched history of consistent improvement and innovation, there is very little doubt that they will continue to polish it......
Ayisha, I am not sure what you mean by 'retrofit'. We have stated all along that a hardware update from the Perdix to Perdix AI is cost prohibitive and is not being offered. Firmware updates and improvements will most assuredly be coming down the line as customers continue to send us their comments and suggestions on how to increase functionality of our AI.
All this huffIng and puffing over GTR will eventually be irrelevant. Looking at Shearwaters' unmatched history of consistent improvement and innovation, there is very little doubt that they will continue to polish it......
For Tech Open Circuit training & novice tech divers, some preferred practical GTR functionality & info examples for a user entered Minimim Gas Reserve/Rock Bottom pressure value:

Based on this Minimum Gas Reserve, for overhead cave wreck diving options, GTR utility would also calculate & display when prompted, a time remaining or countdown to Modified Third's (or Sixth's or "1/n") Turn Pressure.

(Stage bottle Modified Third's support -i.e. Half plus 15 bar AL80 Stage cylinder(s)- would be useful, but requires more transmitters to monitor each stage cylinder used, or in lieu of additional transmitters, a user entered value for the number of stages used and each of their volume "tank factor" capacities.)

And a calculation & prompted display of time remaining or countdown to perform an emergency Lost Buddy Search based on one-half the above Modified Turn Pressure calculation.

IMO, these are useful & vital GTR features to have for open circuit Tech/Overhead Diving, and easy algorithms to develop and implement for the next generation wireless AI product model. I would still back it all up with SPG's however along with knowing all the critical pre-dive plan values of Minimum Gas Reserve, Modified Third's, and figuring out gas turn pressures as needed in a Lost Buddy Search.

So again it comes around & begs the question: why do you want an expensive digital wireless AI/GTR unit when you can economically use the more practical, more reliable, no batteries needed analog SPG manometer to start with in the first place?
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Kev you quoted my post, so I assume you were asking me your last question.

I don't want it, and didn't say I did.
Kev you quoted my post, so I assume you were asking me your last question.

I don't want it, and didn't say I did.
Ok then apologies C Dub. . . It was just a rhetorical question in general:
evaluating it all and objectively justifying why we all still don't need it even with future hypothetical feature & functionality improvements by Shearwater.
...//... evaluating it all and objectively justifying why we all still don't need it even with future hypothetical feature & functionality improvements by Shearwater.

Please consider that not all recreational and light deco divers share your mindset. For the purpose of rough discussion, there are about 15 personality types. It is easy to pick pairs that don't work well together at all because their minds work differently. My singular point from this yap is that not everybody thinks alike. Which means to me, no single approach to protecting the diver from harm is equally valuable to all.

All YOU "need" is a waterproof wristwatch and an accurate pre-dive measure of your gas load for a known dive location. Plan your dive. I have no concern that you would be able to dive safely under these most limited conditions. However, you would spend most of your dive doing mental calculations and looking at the time. Question. Why do you carry an SPG? For you, I see it as an unnecessary failure point for the purpose of convenience. I presume that you bring one along as a convenience.

Allow us our conveniences too...
Good Afternoon fellow divers.
I am reaching out in the technical threads because I know most of you dive the shearwaters and with the experience you all carry.
I recently got the Perdix as a birthday gift and when I say recently I mean with in the last month. It was never used and returning it might not be an option...regardless that has nothing to do with this tread.
My question to all of you is when I was researching for a new computer...the decesion was to get a NON AIR INTEGRATED or AIR INTEGRATED dive computer. I feel the feed back was to go NON AIR INTEGRATED and go with the Shearwater Perdix. Some said the air integrated computers were unreliable and should not be trusted.
Is that the same feeling about the Shearwater Perdix AI????? Being its new or stay away in general to AI computers.
Happy Thanksgiving!

What do you want? Do you want AI or not from here on out? That is the question you'll have to answer.

There are threads in the forum that had gone ad nauseam about AI vs non-AI.

There is no right or wrong answer. This is like asking whether you should get an automatic transmission or stick-shift for you next car.

I'd buy a Perdix AI for my next DC. But I would not go diving without my SPG as back-up. Would you drive your car without a spare tire? I would not. But is it absolutely necessary? Not really (situation dependent). Is it absolutely necessary to dive with AI and use SPG as a back-up? No, but I would not do it. I like AI because it is nice to have the info on my DC and I can log my dives easily.

Believers will be believers and haters will be haters. Nothing is wrong with doing the old school neither is going with AI as your only gas measurement. It all boils down to your own preference.

Please consider that not all recreational and light deco divers share your mindset. For the purpose of rough discussion, there are about 15 personality types. It is easy to pick pairs that don't work well together at all because their minds work differently. My singular point from this yap is that not everybody thinks alike. Which means to me, no single approach to protecting the diver from harm is equally valuable to all.

All YOU "need" is a waterproof wristwatch and an accurate pre-dive measure of your gas load for a known dive location. Plan your dive. I have no concern that you would be able to dive safely under these most limited conditions. However, you would spend most of your dive doing mental calculations and looking at the time. Question. Why do you carry an SPG? For you, I see it as an unnecessary failure point for the purpose of convenience. I presume that you bring one along as a convenience.

Allow us our conveniences too...

Some past opinions & anecdotal accounts here on SB, on your "convenience":

Reliability Wireless gas pressure transmitters
Oceanic Datatrans (Pelagic Transmitters)
I've had it with wireless air integration
Air Integration and Back up gauges
analog vs digital gauge (SPG vs Air Integrated Dive Computer)
Will Air Integration in dive computers replace the SPG?
Air Integration Failure Yesterday
Vyper air fail
More problems with the Vyper Air transmitter
Air Integrated Dive Computers and SPG's
Why the dislike of air integrated computers?
Failure of Wireless Air Integrated COmputer and SPG
Air integrated computer and tec diving
Is Air Integration THAT important?
Which has a higher rate of failure a SPG or a transmitter?
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Damn, you ARE good! I respect your memory for past SB posts and your ability to research same.

Let's agree that you won this round, I have stuff to do now.

I'll even give you another reference when I kill myself on AI.

-Hold your breath, more to come. :wink:
Damn, you ARE good! I respect your memory for past SB posts and your ability to research same.

Let's agree that you won this round, I have stuff to do now.

I'll even give you another reference when I kill myself on AI.

-Hold your breath, more to come. ;)
As long as AI works, is reliable & safe for you and you're having fun dives with it -->then that's all that really matters :-D !

It's all about helping tech diver Perdix customers make an informed decision whether to purchase the AI model and the transmitter (a separate $240 purchase not included in the base price of the Perdix AI model).

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