First of all, my condolences to the family of the surfer.
The bottom line to this debate, IMHO, is that humans are in no position to expect anything less than a possibility of a shark attack when entering the water. All sports and activities have inherent risks of varying severity and frequency. Attempting to alleviate the risk of shark attacks by harvesting sharks, no matter their size, is an activity we have no business in engaging.
Sharks have patrolled the earth's oceans for over 10 million years. Humans have occupied the earth for approximately 6 thousand.
Sharks were designed for life underwater. Humans were designed to be land dwellers. Just because we have the ability to temporarily adapt, does not mean we belong in the water. We are only guests.
It is only out of our own arrogance and lack of understanding that we expect to enter the blue in perfect safety. If you don't want to risk a shark attack or feel you are above the chance, I suggest buying that ocean front property in Arizona I keep hearing about. Lastly, watch out for the falling coconuts from the palm trees on your beach there. Your odds of suffering death are greater there than in the water with the "killers".