The Good Humor Guy
farrakhan:I would. It's a tragedy and my prayers and thoughts go out to the family, but this isn't the first (or last) time someone will be taken by a shark in Australia. In life we all accept certain risks in everything we do. When diving, surfing, or snorkelling in the waters around Australia we accept the risk (however minimal) that we are entering a sharks territory. You really need to be in Australia to see how the media covered this case. In an unrelated shark sighting off the coast of Adelaide the local paper read "Monster Shark terrorizing Adelaide Coast" This shark did nothing out of the ordinary in the routine of a shark, but because of the media it is inevitable that some dickhead will be out there trying to kill this beautiful creature. Back to the W.A. surfer, After this particular person was taken you would think surfers would stay away from the beach for a while, but no, the very next day there were surfers out at this beach. Now if one of them was taken who's fault is it really.
To the point, if you enter the water and are taken by a shark it is your fault. No if's, ands, or buts about it. Do we run through the African Savannah and wonder why we are chased by Lions. Do we swim in the Everglades and wonder why we are taken by alligators, do we roll in honey and wonder why we are chased by bears. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
So why the surprise and anger when we dress up as shark food, and surf, or dive, or spearfish in areas where we know there are sharks.
Being in South Australia this particularily hits home for me. I've seen more dead sharks (because of media sensationalism) then live ones, and that's an absolute travesty.
This surfers family realized it wasn't the sharks fault and requested the shark(s) not be killed but still someone (ignorantly) made the call that if any shark was sighted it should be killed.
Ummm can I dress up like a bananna and get chased by a gorilla? Just joking.....
My condolences to the family