Modern diving computers will track "multiple dives" over several days.Hi there,
Long time lurker. Tried to find an answer to my question but couldn’t find it through searching the forum. So I’ll try it through a post here.
I will be diving alternating days with my partner. One looks after our kid while the other goes diving for a day. We’ll do three dives a day in Komodo for 10 days total without hitting NDL’s. Just recreational dives no tech or 40m+. We both have a dive computer but only mine has a integrated air transmitter. We’ll be travelling light and only bring one BCD and regulator set.
I want to leave the analoge air gauge at home because it weighs a bunch and only use my AI transmitter. Is it possible to lend my partner my dive computer when we dive alternating days? I don’t want to compromise my next dive day. I don’t see any problems but I rather hear from the more knowledgeable divers.
Sharing the computer in the way you are proposing will be "safe" for both divers but it will result in shorter NLD's