Hey guys, don't mean to open up any old wounds or anything by resurrecting this old thread.
First off, I'm not into diving at all. Due to a life long interest in military affiars, and serving 8 years in the USMC, I read alot of war themed books.
Was browsing my local libraries shelves a couple years back to see if there was anything new, this book caught my eye as I have never seen it before [and I am quite familiar with the military section], so I read it and thought it was a very good book.
"Very good books" I tend to read more than once, so I just read it again, so this is fresh in my mind.
Started googling for more info on "shadow divers" and this is one of the sites that came up, so here I am.
Can't say I have read "exposed", first I ever heard about it was yesterday.
Checked Amazon, and I am not minded to pay $25 for it, so I doubt if I'll ever read it unless the library ends up stocking it.
Anyways, I have read through most of the thread with interest, and I have yet to determine why this Gentile guy feels so slighted & compelled to trash people.
Did he actually have a part of this discovery that wasn't mentioned in the book ?
I'm sure there may be some embellishments that someone like me, not at all familiar with diving, wouldn't pick up on.
It was of course meant for a wide, non technical audience.
I got a kick out of the part when them crabs started talking to that guy doing the sand sweep, and wondered if that really happened.
One part where I said "Oh c'mon" was at the end, when the "pipe" that he was bashing with a sledge hammer turned out to be a huge oxygen canister.
Ok, I can see that happening ,,, But to say "Hell with it, I'm gonna bash it again no matter if I blow myself and partner up", I found that a bit of a stretch ,,, Not to mention that:
* Picking up probably would have been more effective than bashing it
* Doubtful if it would have blown anyhow, as the needed spark would have been sadly lacking 230 ft under.
So I don't know about that. Then that other incident in the same section, where he grabbed the overhead beam to boost himself up to pass the malfunctioning camera back to his partner ,,, Because he couldn't quite do it with his tanks on, then the beam fell on him.
Just paragraphs later, he ends up passing the parts box through the same hole with his tanks on, so I didn't quite get why it was such a problem to pass out the camera, but very easy to pass out the box out the same hole.
Other than that, I really didn't pick up on anything that is obviously contradictory.
These guys seemed on a mission and driven by the spirit of discovery, they were the driving force behind the positive ID, so naturally deserve most of the credit.
I would have thought it would have been that Belinda guy [sorry if spelled wrong] that would have slammed them more than anyone, since that feud was really played up in the book.
One more thing, I was talking to this guy at work a few months back, and he had on some scuba shirt. I asked him if he dives he said oh yeah, you ?
I said no, but I read a damn good diving book, he dropped what he was doing and said oh yeah, I betcha I have read it.
I couldn't remember the title, I said it was about these guys who found a German Uboat off of NJ ,,,ect, And he said oh yeah, shadow divers.
I said yep thats it, and we talked for quite a while about diving.
He said that more guys have died diving it since the book was written, is that true ?