The traditional situation will always allow you to run the unit manually.
With Shearwater, if two cells fail similarly and there is one cell that is still good, then the unit will try to maintain ppO2 based on the cells that have failed. It still shows the ignored cell, but it fires the solenoid based off of the two, and it calculates deco based off of the two. You can kick it to the low ppO2 setpoint to run it manually, but your deco information will still be incorrect since the computer still thinks the pair are good.
With the Liberty you actually have the ability to tell it to ignore the bad cells and then it will calculate ppO2 and deco based off of the remaining cells. It will kick into automatic voting logic, but you have the ability to override it which is nice.
Is it a deal breaker? Absolutely not, but it is one thing that the Liberty can do that none of the DiveCAN units can do and for those that run their units off of the solenoid, it is something that should be considered.