No worries; I have mentioned that a few times in BC threads
That said, I would not expect a 7' hose to be particularly cumbersome for me if I were to tuck it onto my waistband or under a can light. I mean sure, maybe a slightly shorter one would be a good "custom" length, but the main reason I chose the 5' was that I understood it to be the "equivalent" long-hose setup for open water diving.
I do see that there could be times a 7' would still be more comfortable - and I may very well switch at some point - but I guess the main idea is that in open water you are not going to *have* to go single file. You can spread out a tiny bit width-wise and then have room to still have one person more-or-less ahead/behind/above/below the other.
Again, I'm not arguing your point about team or buddy agreement on equipment and procedures though (see if you ever use me for an example again)
Blue Sparkle
If we ever meet in the water, 5' will be fine. I like cozy

On the dive pictured above we were drifting in a current. Later in the day we decided to share gas for some time to practice and to equalize gas volume. With the current you get turbulence as well as up and downdrafts that hit you at different times and magnitudes even if you are fairly close together. While 5' would have worked, 7' gave us more leeway to ride this stuff out and not have to worry about the regulator being yanked out of someone's mouth. (Please, do yourself the favor of hanging on to that life-line with your hand if you are really OOG).