Wibble is just butthurt that I corrected some of his nonsense.So everybody now needs to post his dive history?
And what are the criteria for a notable dive? Depth? Time? Product of depth and bottom time? With a working rebreather and a solid shoot line everybody can survive a 100m dive.
I can only speak for me, but I don't want to put details of my diving and/or my private life into the www.
This is one of the main issues with internet boards / the internet: you don't know, if the person writing is an expert or only thinks he/she is. And often the "loudest" people are not the people with real experience, e.g. Dunning-Kruger etc. ...
Especially when it comes to instruction videos on youtube etc...
@RedSix is talking about stuff you can READ about. How is my diving related to what you can read about survivorship bias? It isn't, you just don't understand what we were talking about... and seemingly still don't.Completely agree. Which is why it would be very useful to know about someone's history; what claim they have to comment with such forceful authority.

Now please stop tagging me in your dumb comments unless you have anything to say about the topic.