Setpoint during fast decent, what do you use?

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So everybody now needs to post his dive history?
And what are the criteria for a notable dive? Depth? Time? Product of depth and bottom time? With a working rebreather and a solid shoot line everybody can survive a 100m dive.
I can only speak for me, but I don't want to put details of my diving and/or my private life into the www.

This is one of the main issues with internet boards / the internet: you don't know, if the person writing is an expert or only thinks he/she is. And often the "loudest" people are not the people with real experience, e.g. Dunning-Kruger etc. ...
Especially when it comes to instruction videos on youtube etc...
Wibble is just butthurt that I corrected some of his nonsense.

Completely agree. Which is why it would be very useful to know about someone's history; what claim they have to comment with such forceful authority.
@RedSix is talking about stuff you can READ about. How is my diving related to what you can read about survivorship bias? It isn't, you just don't understand what we were talking about... and seemingly still don't. 🤦‍♀️
Now please stop tagging me in your dumb comments unless you have anything to say about the topic.
Wibble is just butthurt that I corrected some of his nonsense.
You really come over as a pompous pillock with comments like that.

@RedSix is talking about stuff you can READ about. How is my diving related to what you can read about survivorship bias? It isn't, you just don't understand what we were talking about... and seemingly still don't. 🤦‍♀️
Now please stop tagging me in your dumb comments unless you have anything to say about the topic.
It is about what is written on here, not some internet legend tucked away in plain sight in a rubbish dump of nonsense.

ScubaBoard is pretty much the last place standing for SCUBA diving related information. This SHOULD be the place to come to read good information, not a bunch of people showing off how great they are; real information.

Survivorship bias -- I am the chosen one as I didn't die -- is the reason why we have to discuss topics in a friendly way.

For example, the OP talking about diluent and bailout selection. Was going well until along come a load of people to shout. There endeth a very useful and informative thread with a bunch of people being more wary about sharing their incidents and learning points with others.
@berndo, I think you misunderstand Wibble, I think he is more sensitive of your attitude towards Agro and himself, than necessarily disagreeing about the subject matter..

You are both turning this into an argument about something unrelated because you are going after "emotional" revenge and the other man rather than just the issue. I certainly won't argue that your points are invalid, in fact I would agree with all of them and what Grantcobin is saying. I would like to give myself all opportunity to mitigate all risks to the best of my ability.

That being said I also see the irony in that you don't care what Wibble thinks, and Argo doesn't care what you think. I would also argue that convincing someone they have been doing something wrong for 20 years doesn't happen by being condescending and that is what Wibble latched on to?? Maybe the guy isn't honest, maybe he is, if he is, I think the best is to point him in the direction of resources and / or people who can help him. But I might be wrong too, who knows.
That being said I also see the irony in that you don't care what Wibble thinks, and Argo doesn't care what you think.
No irony here. I don't care what they think. I don't post for them, I know they wont learn anything, I just don't want any newer divers to read this nonsense and think it's valid because it doesn't get any or enough push back. I can tell that people like kensuf, rjack, grantctobin, tbone, etc. give good information but to some newer divers it might not be clear who full of it and who isn't.
People like wibble and argo are either willfully ignorant or just plain stupid.
I'm just being honest. You can't tell me that somebody just didn't get the memo about the issues with air dil to 60m or that the 'he's still alive, so it can't be dangerous' argument is stupid.
Good information in the first few posts and then a lot of off-topic debate. If anybody care about making Scubaboard the place where to find good information, please stick to the topic and resolve the disagreements on tone, experience etc with PMs
Good information in the first few posts and then a lot of off-topic debate. If anybody care about making Scubaboard the place where to find good information, please stick to the topic and resolve the disagreements on tone, experience etc with PMs
The good information is that the chosen diluent is way too o2 rich and helium lean for the example dives. "Breathing it down" is a huge problem, especially on a 'fast descent' and the original question about setpoint is almost irrelevant compared to the problems with the diluent choice. It's so glaring of an issue that it makes many of us scratch our heads and wonder if the OP is actually CCR certified.

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