As far as manufacturers that openly sell parts, HOG, Dive Rite, and Zeagle are the ones I know of. Zeagle was recently purchased by another company so I am unsure of their policy in the future. Apeks, Aqualung, and Sherwood do not sell direct to the public BUT I have seen their kits selling online from domestic shops. For Scubapro you need to look on eBay or internationally for the recent models. For the older MK5 and MK10 you can get aftermarket seats or parts kits.
It is more critical to have parts kits for the first stage than for the second. There are only a few variations in second stage seats so there are aftermarket seats available. The O-rings are largely generic and can be sourced.
For used first stages I would recommend Scubapro MK2, MK5, MK10, Any Apeks first (they all take the same kit), I do not know much about Aqualung/US Divers parts availability but I believe Vintage Double Hose has some kits for them.
For used second stages I would recommend, Scubapro G200, G200B, G250, Balanced Adjustable, and the 109. The R190, 290, 390, 108 are fine also but I do not like them as much as the others. Again any Apeks would work.
It is more critical to have parts kits for the first stage than for the second. There are only a few variations in second stage seats so there are aftermarket seats available. The O-rings are largely generic and can be sourced.
For used first stages I would recommend Scubapro MK2, MK5, MK10, Any Apeks first (they all take the same kit), I do not know much about Aqualung/US Divers parts availability but I believe Vintage Double Hose has some kits for them.
For used second stages I would recommend, Scubapro G200, G200B, G250, Balanced Adjustable, and the 109. The R190, 290, 390, 108 are fine also but I do not like them as much as the others. Again any Apeks would work.