Understand all. I was referring to the Airsource from Aqualung with the exhaust half way up the corrugated hose. I'm one of those guys who needs to get my hands on something to get a feel for whether I trust it. That exhaust and the quick release sound like points of failure for little benefit but I would like to see one in person.Like many divers, I started that way too. No more.
There are several issues in practice.
From a maintenance standpoint, unless it's easily detached like Atomic or Aqualung, a safe second rarely gets the same post-dive rinse attention that your main second stage gets. The spindle of the exhaust valve is quite prone to corrosion (except for the $300 titanium Atomic SS1), and I've serviced more than one safe second with a stuck-open exhaust valve. That could be a problem when you need buoyancy.
As for your question about the "hose dump", if you are referring to the cable pull dump on the bcd shoulder, you cannot use that while breathing from the reg except for the Aqualung model with a split linkage and the ability to pull on the hose center. And there was an old long thread arguing against using the pull dump in the first place. There is at least one photo circulating of a completely torn off elbow from too vigorous use of the cable pull.
But the real challenge is on a shared air ascent. Unless you practice it, controlling your own buoyancy as your bcd gas expands is a bit of a challenge with the reg in your mouth, and your other arm linked with your OOA diver. You may need to remove the reg to lift the hose to vent, if you fall behind with expanding gas, and you're already task loaded from the OOA emergency. Can be a challenge to avoid corking, especially if your buddy is panicked and you have to also reach over to vent his bcd, along with your own.
Defenders will say that "it's just practice", and they're right. But it's a poorer performing second stage; it's prone to corrosion, and having my necklaced second right there after handing off my primary is just too easy.
Honestly, I'm just joining what I think is an interesting discussion. I'm in the process of mentally building my new BP&W new kit and thinking through all the options and details first. I can get something similar to dealer cost on some of the regulators. So, for a little over a $100 more, I can get a SP G260 as an octo and have a duplicate of my primary on a necklace. Same model, both solid, same breathing, same maintenance etc.