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Sadly, another diver pays the ultimate price: http://www.**********/news/safety/s060918b.html

I am placing this in the solo forum simply to highlight the absolute need for self-awareness and self-sufficiency when diving (especially when solo diving).
It is always sad to hear of accidents. Hopefully, this one will serve as a warning to others that each and every one of us is, ultimately, responsible for our own safety. I heartily urge each person contemplating solo diving to look critically at their own personality in order to assess whether or not they truly are mentally prepared to effectively and efficiently deal with any and all of the multitude of problems which may (can) arise underwater. Without sounding alarmist, it can be pretty scary when feces occurs, you’re all alone, and you need to react – correctly - NOW ! Some have said that solo diving belongs to a certain kind of animal…that may or may not be true. What I have come to believe is that one MUST be able to STOP, THINK, and then ACT!!! Like many things in life, some are better at it than others.

Play safe…
If you want people to see something, you must provide a valid web address

Ahh.. I googled it, and it turns out to be The-Site-That-Must-Not-Be-Named.

I'll give you a hint, though. If you click here, it's the first listing in google.

If you want people to see something, you must provide a valid web address

He may have, but if it's a certain site, such as C*D*N*N, it's blocked.
I'm kind of new to this board so I don't understand the significance of the not-to-be-mentioned stuff. Can you elaborate???
I'm kind of new to this board so I don't understand the significance of the not-to-be-mentioned stuff. Can you elaborate???

Not sure. I never found out the details, but there's apparently something between the two sites.

Sounds like he was an overweighted diver, carrying additional gear.

No drysuit hose connected - trys to fix it on the deco bar.

May not of been able to reach inflator hose for some unknown reason.

Panics, crawls up line, surfaces, panics some more and sinks.


Highlights a simple last moment check of your own gear just before diving in - puff of air into suit and bc and quick purge of reg while looking at SPG. Should be done regardless of if solo or not.

Sounds like a few other factors involved. Diving in without the drysuit hose connected may make you look like a complete wally (the voice of experience here&#8230:wink: but it isn’t life-threatening...

Wow, sounds like a bad day.

Makes you wonder all those times you skipped a check might be fatal, next time my gear goes through triple check..
Web Monkey:
Not sure. I never found out the details, but there's apparently something between the two sites.


It's becuase the-site-that-shall-not-be-named is a sham. It's made to look like a news website, but it's nothing more than a personal vendetta site. Who ever owns the site, spreads lies about several well know east-coast divers. It even includes them into stories totally un-related to them. The website lists a host of "advertisers" but when contacted, they have never heard of 'this-un-named-website.


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