Selecton a dive operation in Cozumel - specific questions

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I've been trying to select a dive shop in Cozumel and the Forum has the best reports. I am down to a few and would love to know how they rate in specific categories. The ones that seem to come on top often are:

Scuba with Alison
Blue Angel
Papa Hogs
Dive Paradise
Sea Urchin
Deep Blue Divers
Aldora (too expensive)

We are 4 divers - 2 new and young and 2 experienced. We like
Personalized friendly service since we'll be spending a lot of our vaction time with these folks:)
Good equipment
Attention to new divers during the dive + showing us good stuff
Flexibility on where to go

We'll be diving 4-5 days and some of us may do a nite dive. Thanks for your insights

You've got quite a mixed bag of dive ops in that list. In terms of your group, some are like apples & oranges.

Let me suggest that Papa Hog's & Scuba with Alison are perhaps the best fit for your particular party.

Do have fun.

We just got back from an 18 dive trip with Deep Blue

This was our 3rd trip with them and we've never been dissappointed.

Small, fast boats with excellent DM's

Don't know about the other ops you list but since I just dove with Deep Blue in June, I can offer some info about them. The only question I can't answer is about their equipment since I have my own stuff.

"Personalized friendly service since we'll be spending a lot of our vaction time with these folks" AND "Flexibility on where to go"

VERY personalized and friendly--I chatted with Matt's wife Deborah a LOT before my trip and she was always very thorough, informative and patient in answering all my questions. I requested a 2-tank afternoon dive for my arrival day and she reserved a spot for me--no problem. When I showed up at the shop the day I arrived, they actually knew who I was and were expecting me--they had every thing ready for me to fill out. Everyone in the shop was very friendly and willing to answer my questions. I really liked that they asked me what dive sites I wanted to see and wrote my requests down--Matt, the owner, schedules divers on boats according to diving ability and dive sites. Everything was really laid back--we just went in or called the shop to let him know when we wanted to dive the next day--he makes the schedules out after the shop closes each night. Then we went in the last night to settle up the bill. I reserved ahead of time but it was no problem to add on or cancel a dive as long as I let him know. Probably the most hassle-free experience I've ever had with a dive op.

"Attention to new divers during the dive + showing us good stuff"
Deep Blue's divemasters were in a word--FANTASTIC! I dove 3 days and had 3 different DM's--Sandro, Pepe and Gabriel--and loved all 3. All 3 had eagle eyes and spotted the most microscopic things you can imagine. I saw a baby nudibranch that was less than an inch long, 2 teeny little Christmas tree worms, a little baby flounder, tiny little pipehorses, LOTS of seahorses including a free-swimming one, and other stuff I can't remember--basically all the stuff that most people never see and I wouldn't have been able to spot it without the DM's. Although I did find a thistleworm all by myself so I was pretty proud. :) As far as attention to new divers, there were 2 new divers on my boat doing their first ocean dives and one diver who hadn't dove in a while. The DM each day talked to each of us on the ride out to the sites and got an idea of our experience levels and concerns. They offered suggestions on buoyancy, equalization, equipment, etc and helped with gear without someone even having to ask. Once in the water, each DM kept a careful eye on all divers and watched each one to gauge ability--once they saw I was okay and content taking pictures, they all let me do my own thing and would help those who needed or wanted it. The currents were swift so the DM's had lines divers could hang onto or would even hold someone's hand during the dive if someone was having trouble or just needed reassurance.

I could go on and on but this should give you an idea about Deep Blue at least. Hopefully others will have info on all the other dive ops you're considering--good luck making your decision and have a great time on your trip! :)
We've used both and have been quite happy. Both were very attentive, helpful and considerate to new divers. Both also were quite flexible as to where to go, and responded well to requests when made. Both used smallish boats, which can be a bit rough in a choppy sea.


I hate to throw another name at you but I dove with DWM 2 months ago and I was very impressed. With 4 of you in a boat that max out at 8 you should be able to get to th dive sites that you want to do. The level of difficulty normally is set by the weakest diver, so that should not be a problem with any choice you make.

They cost about $50 a day per diver if you book more than 3 days.

Have fun! > Jimi
I have been very impressed with Alison Dennis. With 4 divers you will have the majority vote on where to go and how deep. She usually takes a max of 6 divers. With 4 out of 6, I am sure that she will dive in a situation that will optimize your experiece for the newbies. I took my son down for his first open water diving since cert and was very pleased.

Her equipment is excellent.

If you dive with Alison, ask Chuco (sp?) to tell you the story about going in to retrieve the mask that was lost overboard at full speed. It was quite a feat.

Just got back from diving in Cozumel yesterday. We had five divers, four of whom this was their very first ocean diving experience. Everyone had a safe and bloody good time. Dove with Blue Bubble, and enjoyed diving particularly with the dive master Raul.
I am pretty sure that we will be staying at the Villablanca Hotel in Cozumel in October, and they use:

Dive Paradise
7 nights
welcome tank
5 standard 2-tank boat dives
4 afternoon dives
( 15 tanks total )
Superior Room
Reserve US $559
Triple Occupancy US $507.ºº

Papa Hogs
7 nights
welcome tank
5 standard 2-tank boat dives
Breakfast Included at Hog Town Cafe Daily
Fast Boats, 6 Pax Max, Personal Service
Superior Room
US $499.00
Triple Occupancy US $ 459.ºº

Michelle's Dive Shop + Sea & Sun Divers
7 nights
FREE Welcome tank
5 Two tank fast boat trips
FREE 1 Night dive
FREE Breakfast @ Villablanca Grill
on boat dive days
FREEShore diving on boat dive days
FREE Rinse and gear storage
Superior Room
US $504
Triple Occupancy US $464.ºº

Eco Divers
7 nights
5 Diving days with 2 tanks per dive day
on small fast boat, 1 night dive plus a
Welcome shore dive
12 tanks in total
Superior Room
$500.00 DBL
Triple Occupancy US $460.ºº

Any advice for a couple of novice, but adventurous divers?

The night dive options are attractive to me, but DP had more total tanks.
There are 75+ dive ops in Coz and just about all will pick you up at Villablanca's dock. I suspect that if you ask the Villablanca will do you a package with the op of your choice.

Best regards.


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