Selecting a backup computer

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I am looking for input/opinion on buying a backup dive computer for nitrox/deep diving (DECO in future).

The question is, should you buy a backup computer from the same manufacturer or not.

The example would be, Suunto Vytek as primary and Suunto Mosquito as backup. Or would you want to think about someone like Uwatec (say the Aladin Pro) as backup.

I completely understand that cost and function are drivers for the selection and that some people would say "use the computer in you head" and just buy a backup timing/bottom timer. And others would say keep it simple with just one manufacturer.

But, I am really looking for opinion/input on the "Science under the hood" when using a backup computer. This is with the complete understanding that the approach (alogrithms) of vendors in different (RGB vs. Bühlmann).

I am not trying to start a "which is better" conversation, rather is it better to have a different *tool* as backup. (Understanding the TOOL is obiviously critical. :)

Thanks inadvance for your input/opinion.

Its best to have the same algorthym in each computer. You should always use the most conservative figure so if they are different you will have to check both all the time. If you don't then you run the risk of bending your back-up.
Thanks NICKJB!

Thats what my thought was on the subject, just wanted to get others input.

I agree with using the same manufacturer for the same reasons. I use Cobra as my main and a Vyper as the back up. When deco diving I table the deco dive (always a good practice / back up to the back up). When the dive turns deco I use the cobras remaining air consumption time beside the deco max time to surface - always keeping the the air com. time rate more than the time to surface and double checking against the Vyper.

So the Choice of Vytec would be an excellent option with the Vyper back up. I personnally don't like the Mosquito - but for no other reason apart from the size

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