If anyone is interested I may have one or two spots in my vehicle to go to Muncie, Indiana for an SEI Ice Diving Class with Tom Leaird our CEO. Had three plus myself going and it looks like at least one is backing out. I'll know more for sure this weekend. Cost of the course is 120 bucks. We do not need to bring tanks. I'll be leaving to go out on Friday the 30th. It's about a 5 hour drive from my place. I'd like to leave early! Share gas, and room costs. If you're interested shoot me a PM or email thru my website. We'll go over details when I find out for sure who is or is not going. I'm going myself regardless. Have GMC Envoy with a rear deer carrier rack thingie so I can haul 4 people and gear minus tanks easy. Returning on Sunday the 1st.