Updated Info on possible Air Search charters from FL
@Sloeber , @mtngoat2674, @RayfromTX
Note: This pass was restricted to operators that listed Twin-Engine or Turbo-prop singles for safety - Some operators suggested the use of piston singles as noted below.
I've left operators that I contacted in the list that are not a possibility so that we don't make unnecessary calls.
Air Key West - Key West - Strong Possibility
- Charter
- Partenavia P68C Piston Twin
- Britten-Norman BN2T Turbine Islander Twin-engine turboprop
- Key West Flights, Air Key West Charter Airlines, Florida Keys Charters
- 305-923-4033
- Called: 3/19 10:30 Left Message for Owner Rob
- Talked to owner Rob:
- Experienced:
- Up to 500mi off-shore
- 8Hr endurance
- says it is very rough in KW today and would not be optomistic in current conditions.
Florida Keys Air/Duck Key Charters - Marathon, FL - Possibility
- Charter
- Piper Navajo CR-7 Piston twin
- Beechcraft King Air 200 Turboprop twin
- https://www.dkcharters.com
- 305-393-3646
- Called N/A Texted per msg 3/19 10:40 -
- Talked to Owner: Brian 3/19 11:20
- 5 hrs Endurance
- Figure 3hrs on station @ 170 miles out
- $1150/hr
AirStar Airways Florida Keys - Marathon, FL - NO - Not an Option
- Charter
- (2) Cessna 402 Piston twins
- Cessna 414 Piston twin
- Beechcraft King Air 200 Turboprop twin
- Cessna Grand Caravan Turboprop Single
- Florida Keys Aircraft Charter Service | AirStar
- 305-395-6289
- Called 3/19 10:45: CAN'T DO Private Charter Search - "Call the CG"
Ft. Meyers:
Paragon Flight - Strong Possibility
- Training Sightseeing
- Piper Seminole Piston twin
- Paragon Flight School | Pilot Training & Instructors in Fort Myers & Naples, Florida
- 239.274.3170
- 3/19 1:12p Left Message for the Owner
- 3/19 Owner Chris - Direct Number: 586-943-7482
- 2 Twins - willing to cancel student flights if required
- Approx 2 hours On station @170-200mi out
- Approx $400+ /Hr
Beaver Aviation - Possibility
- Training
- Cesna 172
- Piper Seneca Piston twin
- Welcome to Beaver Aviation South Inc. Page Field Flight Training Center
- 239-939-6010
- 3/19 1:12p Spoke to Lubo - Chief Flight Instructor who would recommend the 172 for better visibility.
- 4 Hours of endurance w/ 172
- (My Personal assesment is that visibility is definately superior in the 172, but I would not be comfortable in a piston-single far offshore at search altitudes. That is why I restricted the listing to operations with twins or at least turbo-prop singles)
Aeronautical Charters Inc. - NO - Does not do extended over-water operations
- Corporate Charter $$$?
- Pilatus PC12 Turboprop single
- Aeronautical Charters, Inc. – Private Air Charter in Fort Myers, Florida
- 888-781-0101
- 3/19 1:40
Universal Flight Services / Universal Flight Training Strong Posibility - FLIR camera equipped, but limited time on station.
- Beechcraft E-55 Baron Piston twin
- http://www.flyufs.com
- 941-210-4264 General 3/19 1:50, 3:50 to VM - Try Again
- 941-210-4410 Urgent
- 3/19 Talked to Jacob the GM
- Best Contact, his cell: 941-322-7012 backup number: 203-379-7678
- They have a FLIR-equipped Cirrus SR22 (single) that they could use - he loosely guessed maybe an hour on station a @170 mi. Was confident of reliability, even with a single.
Florida Flight Center - NO - Not an Option
- Training
- Piper, Cessna, Beechraft Piston twins and Turboprop Singles
- https://floridaflightcenter.com/
- 941-376-3500
- 3/19 1:52 They don't have any prop equipment - Use customer aircraft for training
Tampa / St. Pete:
Tampa Bay Air Charter - NO - Not an Option
- Charter
- Pilatus PC-12 Turboprop Single
- https://tampabayaircharter.com
- 727-521-7373
- 3/19 4:15 Talked to ron 50mi offshore limit
Elite Air - Possible if Captain is willing - waiting to hear.
- Charter
- Beechcraft King Air 200 Turboprop twin
- http://www.eliteaironline.com
- 866-569-5880
- 3/19 4:20 Contacting the Captain of the King Air.
@Sloeber , @mtngoat2674, @RayfromTX
Note: This pass was restricted to operators that listed Twin-Engine or Turbo-prop singles for safety - Some operators suggested the use of piston singles as noted below.
I've left operators that I contacted in the list that are not a possibility so that we don't make unnecessary calls.
Air Key West - Key West - Strong Possibility
- Charter
- Partenavia P68C Piston Twin
- Britten-Norman BN2T Turbine Islander Twin-engine turboprop
- Key West Flights, Air Key West Charter Airlines, Florida Keys Charters
- 305-923-4033
- Called: 3/19 10:30 Left Message for Owner Rob
- Talked to owner Rob:
- Experienced:
- Up to 500mi off-shore
- 8Hr endurance
- says it is very rough in KW today and would not be optomistic in current conditions.
Florida Keys Air/Duck Key Charters - Marathon, FL - Possibility
- Charter
- Piper Navajo CR-7 Piston twin
- Beechcraft King Air 200 Turboprop twin
- https://www.dkcharters.com
- 305-393-3646
- Called N/A Texted per msg 3/19 10:40 -
- Talked to Owner: Brian 3/19 11:20
- 5 hrs Endurance
- Figure 3hrs on station @ 170 miles out
- $1150/hr
AirStar Airways Florida Keys - Marathon, FL - NO - Not an Option
- Charter
- (2) Cessna 402 Piston twins
- Cessna 414 Piston twin
- Beechcraft King Air 200 Turboprop twin
- Cessna Grand Caravan Turboprop Single
- Florida Keys Aircraft Charter Service | AirStar
- 305-395-6289
- Called 3/19 10:45: CAN'T DO Private Charter Search - "Call the CG"
Ft. Meyers:
Paragon Flight - Strong Possibility
- Training Sightseeing
- Piper Seminole Piston twin
- Paragon Flight School | Pilot Training & Instructors in Fort Myers & Naples, Florida
- 239.274.3170
- 3/19 1:12p Left Message for the Owner
- 3/19 Owner Chris - Direct Number: 586-943-7482
- 2 Twins - willing to cancel student flights if required
- Approx 2 hours On station @170-200mi out
- Approx $400+ /Hr
Beaver Aviation - Possibility
- Training
- Cesna 172
- Piper Seneca Piston twin
- Welcome to Beaver Aviation South Inc. Page Field Flight Training Center
- 239-939-6010
- 3/19 1:12p Spoke to Lubo - Chief Flight Instructor who would recommend the 172 for better visibility.
- 4 Hours of endurance w/ 172
- (My Personal assesment is that visibility is definately superior in the 172, but I would not be comfortable in a piston-single far offshore at search altitudes. That is why I restricted the listing to operations with twins or at least turbo-prop singles)
Aeronautical Charters Inc. - NO - Does not do extended over-water operations
- Corporate Charter $$$?
- Pilatus PC12 Turboprop single
- Aeronautical Charters, Inc. – Private Air Charter in Fort Myers, Florida
- 888-781-0101
- 3/19 1:40
Universal Flight Services / Universal Flight Training Strong Posibility - FLIR camera equipped, but limited time on station.
- Beechcraft E-55 Baron Piston twin
- http://www.flyufs.com
- 941-210-4264 General 3/19 1:50, 3:50 to VM - Try Again
- 941-210-4410 Urgent
- 3/19 Talked to Jacob the GM
- Best Contact, his cell: 941-322-7012 backup number: 203-379-7678
- They have a FLIR-equipped Cirrus SR22 (single) that they could use - he loosely guessed maybe an hour on station a @170 mi. Was confident of reliability, even with a single.
Florida Flight Center - NO - Not an Option
- Training
- Piper, Cessna, Beechraft Piston twins and Turboprop Singles
- https://floridaflightcenter.com/
- 941-376-3500
- 3/19 1:52 They don't have any prop equipment - Use customer aircraft for training
Tampa / St. Pete:
Tampa Bay Air Charter - NO - Not an Option
- Charter
- Pilatus PC-12 Turboprop Single
- https://tampabayaircharter.com
- 727-521-7373
- 3/19 4:15 Talked to ron 50mi offshore limit
Elite Air - Possible if Captain is willing - waiting to hear.
- Charter
- Beechcraft King Air 200 Turboprop twin
- http://www.eliteaironline.com
- 866-569-5880
- 3/19 4:20 Contacting the Captain of the King Air.