Suggestion Sealife Camera Section

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Reaction score
Puerto Rico
# of dives
25 - 49
I might suggest to add a Sealife camera section. Many users have these cameras and want to know more about them. There are so many questions about these cameras. Since most new divers get these cameras because they are cheaper than most and are pretty good quality cameras.Thanks.
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This illustrates one of the problems I pointed out in the other thread. The duplicate posts.

Would it be a breach of etiquette for me to post a thread in the photo area that solicits Sealife technique questions until Sealife comes on board... then ask a MOD to close it when that happens?
Of course users can share sealife questions in the general Photography forum, at least for now (as they always could)
I called Sealife for a lengthy discussion with the Tech guy there once a year ago. He'd never been on a scuba dive. I suppose it'd be great to have someone there post on the forum, but if there is any delay on Sealife - I wouldn't wait.
Of course users can share sealife questions in the general Photography forum, at least for now (as they always could)
Great. I just didn't want it to appear as though I was being pushy, or ramming it down SB's "throat"... Not my intention at all
Thank you everyone for your input and interest in SeaLife products! We have started a forum where myself and other SeaLife employees will be available to answer any questions you may have!
Welcome to SB. I'll subscribe to your forum now and post questions there...

Link to new forum:
Wow great job guys. I am so glad up posted this suggestion! Thanks Denise and Thanks Howard.
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