depending on the dose and the person taking it, Meclazine might affect you with drowziness. Scopolamine patches may cause hallucinations so be aware of that. If possible, ask your Primary Care physician about Odansteron (Zofran). It works well as it is an antiemtic, but be careful how much you take. It can cause a condition called Wolfe-Parkinson-White Syndrome which is a condition that affects the cardiac rhythm. It will give you an additional wave towards the end of the cardiac wave cycle (I'm really trying to make this more understandable for laypersons). As a paramedic, working out of the back of an ambulance, I used ginger pills. I saw this done on MythBusters (right! Actual science!). It worked wonders for me until my equilibrium was improved. Like "sea legs" but in an ambulance. However, do whatever works best for you, but please contact your doctor before you just decide to start taking any medications.