Wow.....what a DB
Just for the record I want to save the whales and every other creature (except certain Canadians) should at least have a fighting chance to survive. But vigilante justice does nothing but risk more lives.

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Just for the record I want to save the whales and every other creature (except certain Canadians) should at least have a fighting chance to survive. But vigilante justice does nothing but risk more lives.
Sea Shepherd is currently trying to suck Greenspeace into their game. They figure it will give them some credence. "See, it's not just whacky Watson doing this"
DENNISS AND REEFRAFF: What is wrong with you? You are the most embittered, self-impressed, emotionally immature, snide, tiny-brained, mean-spirited, little so-called "person" I think I've ever come across in any forum anywhere. Are you even certified, or is the Japanese government paying you to comb the internet and attack any post made by any supporter of the Sea Shepherds?
If you were an avid diver with any appreciation of the ocean, you'd understand that it was in your best interest to support groups like the Sea Shepherds - they are after all fighting for the preservation of the oceans... you know... that big, wet thing you go diving in??? Or maybe you're just a bloody poacher with no humanity and not enough brains or courage to earn a living among people - much easier for your kind to slaughter defenseless animals from the deck of a ship. Whatever you are, or think you are, you aren't welcome in my waters.
Do you have any idea the kind of sacrifice, conviction and just plain cast-iron bollocks it takes to create the kind of life Paul Watson has committed to? I suspect you don't. Probably because you've never done anything worth anything with any part of your bloody pathetic life. Much easier to sit behind a computer and cry about Paul Watson wearing "captain's stripes" or question his qualifications as a captain or some pointless nonsense. Captain Watson has command of a FLEET, and has commanded that fleet successfully year after year in the most treacherous waters on the planet while performing the most dangerous work imaginable - and he never lost or cost one single life. What have you ever done besides post a bunch of crappy quality pictures of yourself underwater?
I have two boys, and when they start whining like a couple of spoiled little sheilas they get a smack upside the head. Pity you didn't have a dad to do that for you. Is he proud of the whiny little sheila you've grown into?
ohh and I have done things with my life besides post crappy pictures of my self under water on the internet. The Sea Shepherd anti-whaling group said three Australian activists were being held as "prisoners" by the Japanese harpoon fleet Sunday after sneaking aboard one of their vessels overnight to protest.
Sea Shepherd said they had helped the three men from the Forest Rescue Australia environmental group to board the Shonan Maru No.2 16 miles (26 kilometres) off Australia's west coast.
"The boats approached the Shonan Maru under the cover of darkness and the three negotiated their way past the razor wire and spikes and over the rails to successfully board the Japanese whaling vessel," Sea Shepherd said of the Forest Rescue trio.
They were now "being held as prisoners on board the Japanese vessel the Shonan Maru No. 2" which had been tailing the Sea Shepherd ship the Steve Irwin and contained "armed Japanese military personnel," Sea Shepherd claimed.
DENNISS AND REEFRAFF: What is wrong with you? You are the most embittered, self-impressed, emotionally immature, snide, tiny-brained, mean-spirited, little so-called "person" I think I've ever come across in any forum anywhere. Are you even certified, or is the Japanese government paying you to comb the internet and attack any post made by any supporter of the Sea Shepherds? If you were an avid diver with any appreciation of the ocean, you'd understand that it was in your best interest to support groups like the Sea Shepherds - they are after all fighting for the preservation of the oceans... you know... that big, wet thing you go diving in??? Or maybe you're just a bloody poacher with no humanity and not enough brains or courage to earn a living among people - much easier for your kind to slaughter defenseless animals from the deck of a ship. Whatever you are, or think you are, you aren't welcome in my waters.
Do you have any idea the kind of sacrifice, conviction and just plain cast-iron bollocks it takes to create the kind of life Paul Watson has committed to? I suspect you don't. Probably because you've never done anything worth anything with any part of your bloody pathetic life. Much easier to sit behind a computer and cry about Paul Watson wearing "captain's stripes" or question his qualifications as a captain or some pointless nonsense. Captain Watson has command of a FLEET, and has commanded that fleet successfully year after year in the most treacherous waters on the planet while performing the most dangerous work imaginable - and he never lost or cost one single life. What have you ever done besides post a bunch of crappy quality pictures of yourself underwater?
I have two boys, and when they start whining like a couple of spoiled little sheilas they get a smack upside the head. Pity you didn't have a dad to do that for you. Is he proud of the whiny little sheila you've grown into?