Wow.....what a DB
DennisS... What is wrong with you? You are the most embittered, self-impressed, emotionally immature, snide, tiny-brained, mean-spirited, little so-called "person" I think I've ever come across in any forum anywhere. Are you even certified, or is the Japanese government paying you to comb the internet and attack any post made by any supporter of the Sea Shepherds? If you were an avid diver with any appreciation of the ocean, you'd understand that it was in your best interest to support groups like the Sea Shepherds - they are after all fighting for the preservation of the oceans... you know... that big, wet thing you go diving in??? Or maybe you're just a bloody poacher with no humanity and not enough brains or courage to earn a living among people - much easier for your kind to slaughter defenseless animals from the deck of a ship. Whatever you are, or think you are, you aren't welcome in my waters.
My kingdom for a

Paul Watson is an ass. The only good that group brings to this world is new dive sites and ship wrecks. Sea Shepherd is not fighting for our oceans. They do not possess nobility IMO. They are fighting for ratings and are obviously willing to risk dumping thousands of gallons of fuel and oil into the very oceans they are "fighting to protect" in order to cause more drama to hopefully stay in the public eye (and therefore another season).
This post represents the colorful opinions of ScubaSteve and not of ScubaBoard or it members or.......ah screw it. Paul Watson is an ass and now that you've read it on the internet, it must be true.