Sea Shepherd condemned by International Whaling Commission.

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Does anyone find it curious that the International Whaling Commission - an organization who have stated support for sustainable whaling - now condemn Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd Organization?

I'd have thought they would have done it years ago...but Watson and Greenpeace weren't making headlines then most likely. Or at least not at the level they were recently.
Yes, I think it's taken them too long. Maybe it's because of the newer tactics that are endangering lives at sea. It's clear from the Australian letter as well that that's what they think now....and they've had a boat there this year observing what was happening. Maybe that's what's new? Outside impartial confirmation?

Up until now it's just been one word against the other.
small issue for you Kim, we have to live with the shame :( :wink:
Well....I actually meant in this thread.....but I feel for you.
I do though want to touch on what you called cultural indoctrination. My assumption is that you feel we should accept Japan's whaling practices because its a cultural tradition.

No, that isn't what I meant at all.

Cultural indoctrination is the process whereby your culture shapes you as a person - I believe it affects everyone on this planet. Your parents beliefs are often reflected in you, as well as the beliefs of your society.

An American baby is much more likely to grow up a Christain, whereas an Iranian one is more likely to grow up a Muslim, and an Indian one a Hindu. If we all had free choice you wouldn't see this bias, there would be 1/3rd Muslims, 1/3rd Christians and 1/3 Hindu's in all three countries (simplification but you get the idea).

As well as religion I believe this affects the way you think, the type of things you eat, the way you drink, the way you live your life. I've seen very different cultural norms in every country I've lived in, despite everyone I meet being 100% homo sapiens.

This is what I meant by cultural indoctrination - the recognition we are all shaped by our cultures, and different cultures have lead to different positions on things - abortion is another example. This has nothing to do with me claiming whaling is a "cultural" part of Japan's history - it isn't - but that one's culture does frame the way we look at a broad range of issues.
It would appear that the Australian police are looking at prosecuting the two guys who boarded the Japanese boat. They say they aren't sure if they really have jurisdiction though - because it's not clear that these are in any way Australian waters.
It would appear that the Australian police are looking at prosecuting the two guys who boarded the Japanese boat. They say they aren't sure if they really have jurisdiction though - because it's not clear that these are in any way Australian waters.

How did they manage to board in the first place? I wouldn't allow someone on my ship (or in my house) unless they were law enforcement personnel having jurisdiction and a warrant.

How can anyone expect whales to be respected at sea when people and private property aren't? It sounds to me like we can get away with doing just about anything we please at sea.
How did they manage to board in the first place? I wouldn't allow someone on my ship (or in my house) unless they were law enforcement personnel having jurisdiction and a warrant.

How can anyone expect whales to be respected at sea when people and private property aren't? It sounds to me like we can get away with doing just about anything we please at sea.
I really don't know. Presumably from an inflatable in some way or other.

According to one report I could find:
The two "illegally" boarded the Yushin Maru after attempting to entangle the propellers of the vessel using ropes and throwing bottles of acid onto the decks, Morimoto said.

- which is interesting in that it suggests they were already attacking and interfering with the Yushin Maru. Paul Watson says they boarded the ship to deliver a letter - which makes little sense if their other actions happened first.

It seems the Australians are examining the possibility of a prosecution quite seriously:
AFP: Japan, Australia agree on whaling protests
MAKUHARI, Japan (AFP) — Japan said Saturday it and Australia had agreed to oppose aggressive tactics by anti-whaling protesters despite the two countries' strong disagreements on whaling itself.
Great news. The government with the strongest anti-whaling voice has agreed the tactics of Sea Shepherd are unacceptable.

Kamoshita said the Australian minister promised him that authorities would continue investigations into Sea Shepherd's tactics and were open to indicting activists.

Ferguson "told me that he keenly feels the need to take preventive measures against terrorist activities at sea," Kamoshita said.

I wonder if the blowhards on here will be big enough to admit that too.
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