ScubaL = cheap and disproportionate

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Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
# of dives
50 - 99
After seeing several comments here from others, I tried ScubaL, seeing that you simply cannot find less expensive suits. I also took the attitude that if it didn't work out, it wasn't a significant investment, which in the end I'm glad I had that frame of mind. I spent $143 for a 5mm shorty and a 7mm fullsuit w/hood...well, you get what you pay for!

To begin with, you can only reach ScubaL via their website (or snail mail)...they don't post phone numbers for customer service. I ordered a full 7mm w/attached hood, and a 5mm shorty from them on a Thursday. They posted an order status on the following Mon that my order was "processing", my bank card posted payment on Monday as well. I could not get any sort of update until Wed, which said "processed", but didn't say if it had shipped, when it'd ship or anything. I tried contacting them through their live chat, which was down so I left a message...they never answered. I, through extensive searching through the internet, found a phone and fax number for them...left a voice message and sent them a fax. Finally, on Friday, they posted an update to my order saying it had shipped and gave me the UPS tracking number. No sooner had I retrieved this update, UPS delivered the package to me. I was a bit neverous right up until the package arrived, I guess just because ScubaL seems to want to limit the customer's ability to contact them, which to me is a bit scary when they have your credit card number!

So, ready to donn these inexpensive suits, I tried the XL 5mm shorty I legged into the suit, it seemed to fit well in the legs/crotch, then I got my arms thru really tight short sleeves, then to find out the back zipper came with an 8" nylon strap to pull the zipper up with. This was way too short to flip it over your shoulder, or to utilize in any other contorted position to close the zipper, so I too it back off and attached an 18" nylon shoestring to the 8" strap, resuited and was able to then zip it up. The shorty fit well in the legs and torso, but the short sleeve arms were very constricting in the armpits and the shortsleeves, making it very uncomfortable. The neck has an adjustable velcro closure, but the neck shape was irregular and I never was able to adjust it to close around my neck, without making it too tight. My disappointment began to set in.

So, I try the 7mm fullsuit with hood, which I ordered one size larger (2XL, the largest standard size they offer) to allow for potential underlayers. The arms and legs are zippered, and it has a front zip all the way up to the bottom of the hood. With the zippers fully unzipped, I could hardly get my legs and arms through, and being a 2XL, the arms and legs were a little long for me. Problem was, the arms/legs were so tight, I couldn't even pull them up enough to adjust for the overlength, meaning I could not close the zippers to the ends. Plus, when I did close the zippers, it was really tight to the extent my hands went flush, and it was obvious blood was being cut off. The arms at the elbows were extremely tight as well. I proceeded to zip it up, and found the torso to be a bit baggy in the middle (big air pocket in the waist area, but it fit me well through the shoulders and hood (I wear an XL - 7-3/4" cap size). When it came to taking the suit back off, I had to get my daughter help pull the suit down past my shoulders, then peel it off. The arms were so tight, there was no way for me to get this suit off unassisted. It was obvious that was not getting anything under this suit other than a skin...which I really wanted to be able to donn a vest under it for colder waters...which would only be possible with a sleeveless vest. Bottm line, the suit was too tightand long in the arms and legs, there was no question that I was returning it.

BTW, I'm in reasonably good shape, 6"1", 215-220lbs, and usually fit well in XL sizes. I work out with weights enough to stay toned, but I'm not Mr. Buff...I'd say average to slightly above average athletic build. To me, these standard off-the-shelf ScubaL suits are sized for slightly rotund torsos for guys with small arms/legs. The standard suit does not have any of the high stretch neoprene, which further makes this suit tough to fit a variety of body shapes. One other observation is that they type of neoprene they use has a very strong "toxic" odor, substantially more than any other neoprene suit I've ever encountered at the LDS's. I assume they use a lower grade neoprene, which is another reson for their attractive pricing.

ScubaL offers custom fitted suits by sending them numerous & varied body measurements, with their best suit using high-stretch neoprene a little over $200 for a 7mm in my size. That very well may be worthwhile, but now having seen their standard product, combined with the very limited ability to communicate with them, I won't try a custom with them.

After a lot of recommendations on this site, I have now ordered a 2XL Bare Velocity 7mm full-suit (no hood) from for $204 with free shipping...hope to have a better experience with that order!
No amount of website, email, live chat, FAXing or phone conversation can take the place of trying on a wetsuit. The human form is just to variable. Been there done that. Anything other and trying it on is wetsuit roulette. I've come to value my personal time, dive time too much to play that game anymore. Not to mention shipping $$.

It will work for some and not for many.

As for ScubaL, aside from fit and lack of personal service I take it you were pleased? The odor (skunk?) may simply be indicative of fresh material.

BTW Divetank would have paid the exchange shipping had the velocity not been right the first time.

Most of the suits I've seen, including the two I've purchased for my sons, are designed such that the shorty suit fits over top of the full suit, not beneath it.

You want the full length suit pretty tight, to maintain only a thin layer of water beneath it (that doesn't move about). The shorty on top adds insulation to your torso area.

As an afterthought, you'll likely find yourself wanting a hood. Keeping your head covered is pretty important for those second or third dives, even when you feel comfortable after the first dive of the day.

Best with your new suit...
Sorry to hear about your experience. I too have a couple comments here...

First, I agree that it's extremely difficult to find a well-fitting wetsuit by mail-order. ScobaL/Triple-L provide a size chart on their website (hard to find where it is!!), that's accurate -- and very strict. I had excellent luck with 3mm hooded full suits for myself and my son. I found the quality to be excellent, particularly considering the price. But for my wife, I took a chance with one measurement... and sure enough that suit accordingly didn't fit.

Second, as you're about to find (if you haven't already), ScubaL charges a very hefty return fee. Again I was lucky, and was able to locally sell that suit for my wife that didn't fit, and recoup just about all my money (wetsuits are extremely expensive here in Europe).

Third, the company is based in Vietnam, and that's where their customer service reps are. That explains the sometimes odd hours of their Live Chat.

Good luck with the new suit you ordered! I don't think LP charges a re-stockage fee... you'd just have to pay for return shipping.

Always heard pretty good things about ScubaL wet suits. For the get what you pay for.
The one thing that really amazed me, and I had to fight off laughing in the guys face, was a BC that they make. It is called the Instructor and has a lift of 70 lbs...or so we were told. My first thought was..why 70lbs. Curiosity got hold of me and I took a look, he got what he paid for. He probably wasn't going to kill himself with it but he wouldn't have it in his dive closet for very many years if he dove it 30-40 times a year.
Some of the stitching was coming apart already and he hadn't even had it in the water. He talked about the BC but I don't think he was any too proud of it.
I used to rent wetsuits until I happened to try one that fit exceptionally well. I noted the the brand and model, went online and ordered one. I'm hoping to do the same with a drysuit over the next year.
I'm sorry. But you paid $143 for TWO wetsuits (a 5mm shorty and a 7mm full *with* attached hood) by mail order having never tried on a single suit by this company ever before and you're surprised that they don't fit and seem to be low quality? :sigh:

Does the phrase "There's no such thing as a free lunch" mean anything to you? How about "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is"?
a BC that they make. It is called the Instructor and has a lift of 70 lbs...or so we were told. [...] Some of the stitching was coming apart already and he hadn't even had it in the water.
Hmmm... I gotta come to their defense again. :D

I've got a Stratos BC, which looks very similar... though the Stratos' lift capacities are rated less than the analogous Instructors'. OBTW, what size was your friend's? The XL Instructor is rated at 66 lb, according to the web site; it would be a humongous BC, though, considering their BC sizes tend to run quite large.

Silly laughable name and, um, conspicuous logo with the Instructor, though.

I'm very happy with the quality of my Stratos, again especially considering the price. The thing looks and feels bulletproof; heavy, though. Had it diving about 20 times, almost all in salt water; with no apparent wear or fading. Same with my son's Stratos. Where was your friend's stitching coming apart?

Several other folks here on SB have the Stratos too; I've only heard good things so far.

I am very pleased with my stratos. I also ordered a shortie from them to go over my full suit. I too believe if more common to wear the shortie over a full suit then under. I ordered one size up and its a little loose but fits pretty well over my full suit, I probably when have been better off with one size smaller but thats the chances you take when you don't try it on ahead of time.
Don't know what size the BC was but he is a big man. Maybe he has the XL and rounded it to 70, don't know. I about had to go to the bathroom and clean myself when he told us that it had that much lift.
He had about the same thing to say about the name in fact he almost didn't buy it but liked the mega lift that it had...still not sure why. He took a black marker and wrote all over the stitching that said "Instructor".
I've only been on the same dive as this guy a couple of times but I really don't think that he was happy with his "I'm saving money" idea.

I don't remember exactly were the BC was coming apart but I do remember that it wasn't something that would cause a malfuntion or safety issue. I am thinking it was around the piping on the front. I still wasn't impressed even for the money that he "saved".

Marek K:
Hmmm... I gotta come to their defense again. :D

I've got a Stratos BC, which looks very similar... though the Stratos' lift capacities are rated less than the analogous Instructors'. OBTW, what size was your friend's? The XL Instructor is rated at 66 lb, according to the web site; it would be a humongous BC, though, considering their BC sizes tend to run quite large.

Silly laughable name and, um, conspicuous logo with the Instructor, though.

I'm very happy with the quality of my Stratos, again especially considering the price. The thing looks and feels bulletproof; heavy, though. Had it diving about 20 times, almost all in salt water; with no apparent wear or fading. Same with my son's Stratos. Where was your friend's stitching coming apart?

Several other folks here on SB have the Stratos too; I've only heard good things so far.


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