ScubaDucks set to take over "Splash Down Divers"...

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My favorite boat, AND my favorite people. HOLD ME! :10: I think I owe Jenny this one. I'm already signed up for Saturday. Did that last Saturday.

See ya at the dock! :wink:
What is the latest date one could register for this trip?
Really Oliver? That would be cool... PM me...
If you are in Florida and NOT on this boat, you are missing out. Just thought I would point out the obvious here! :D
I'm trying!!!!!! *sobs* went back to MD today for because of even more ear pain, he said my eustachian tube is pretty much um.... (looking for a G rated word) ummmmm..., I'll go with "fulll" and that I shouldn't count on diving this weekend......... he did put me on a high dose of steroids for the next few days,(I'm already on penicillian, some jacked up Rx clariton stuff, and now some vicodine) anyone know or have done this, is there a chance I'll heal by Saturday (wondering how fast this stuffs gonna work)......*sobs*, I realllllly realllllly realllly wanna go....

Kev, if I'm feeling better Friday I'll give you a call so in the "unlikely" event one of these guys bailout at the last minute, maybe I can hop on, of course there's always Darrel's approach (pffffft) be a bubble (pfffffft) watcher (pffffft) while he dives with ya'll (pfffffft)......

ps..... ok...! ok....! maybe this reply belongs in the Cheese and Whine forum..... (sorry in advance)
I am really thinking about it, debating on going sat for diving or maybe fishing sat with the family and of course, diving here in Ft Myers sunday, need to explore those reefs... besides I have a job for us on sunday if we go, Need to retrieve my ancor from shell point village, gonna be a quick dive hopefully if we can find it.

Would be kewl will let you know asap.......
So far we have...
NetDoc (the Skipper)
Sam (the President) (no she's not a "Lame Duck", either :D )
Brittany (the Treasurer)
George (a guest)

and these ScubaBoardians who will be honorary Ducks for a day!
Scuba Jenny
ScubaKevDM (He BETTER show up!!! :D )

Remember... pay ME to get the $40.00 pricing. :D
Baited Storm... DON'T PUSH IT! As much as I would love for you to come and dive, I would rather that you be healed completely! Come and bubble watch if you like... there will be some great fellowship!

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