Eric organized a dive/campout trip in Mendocino for many years.
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It’s not cold.Cold water.
Not really, but I certainly don’t need this crap either!Wow - you give up easily? You only got a handful of responses and I'd say you characterization of SB is off. There are many divers who enjoy cold water - if you are passionate about it, put some effort into it and organize something for diver who share your interests!
That's a good thing - obviously, I would have no knowledge of that as it was not mentioned in this thread.Eric organized a dive/campout trip in Mendocino for many years.
Who is giving you crap and how are the posts here stupid, worthless comments?Not really, but I certainly don’t need this crap either!
Yes, like Max said, I organized a big campout and dive party up in Mendocino for years. It was centered around abalone diving and gourmet seafood cuisine and the best wine, complete with professional chefs and a full pop up professional kitchen. I had people from several states away attend and even a few from different countries on occasion.
It was a multiple person effort that took a lot of time and energy.
At one point I was up to about 75 people.
With a get together that I’m proposing I might just keep it on the CA forum or private. I need positive productive energy, not stupid worthless comments.
With a get together that I’m proposing I might just keep it on the CA forum or private. I need positive productive energy,