catherine96821:yea, no BIO. Funny you should mention this, I have been wondering myself.
Okay, are you on Oahu? What is the big deal about just being who you really are? hey, are you the Scuba Hui?
I will check the photo... HEY!!! it's blank just like Dr. V's Bio.
Yep, an Oahu boy. No big deal other than I've been so irregular about diving for the last 8-10yrs and just can't commit like before. Unlike those earlier "ironman" days, I'm sure that my conditioning has now deteriorated to "bunny" dives -- superior judgement means not having to use superior skills.
No, not in any kind of hui. (What I know about "da Hui" is nearly all from surfer friends and what I've noticed over the years. I have the impression that their "uniform" was/is black shorts with a single vertical red stripe along each outside thigh seam. They're mostly "legit" now, doing respectable community service things and lending some security to surf meets, although a lot of that may have been taken over by the "Water Patrol" which is composed mostly of former lifeguards. One of the most respected North Shore lifeguard and legend, Mark Cunningham, is reputed to be a member of the da Hui but wasn't into busting heads like some of the others.)
Anyway, it does look like that pic got hosed. I'll see if I can re-post it later. Leesa might remember it tho'.
I don't know what DocV's about but he's kept it up for quite awhile. His business (shrug). Being a whale in a pond tho', it's amazing that he's kept the routine going for so long. But he seems like a neat guy. What little unconfirmed, 2nd-hand bits of his bio I do have are that he served with the 101st in Vietnam, he is a Ph.D (in psychology, I believe) and is/was an administrator in the SocSecAdmin in D.C.