SCUBA shop that will issue be an AOW card after a few days diving?

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What a crappy way to end a post.

Took me a while to find it.
Perhaps it helps the sticker/annoyance factor to think of BOW as a two part course: BOW and AOW. OK, using the name "Advanced" is silly/misleading/dumb, but you get the point. They really should call it BOW I and II (the way NAUI used to).
BSAC used to have Novice I and Novice II. The idea was to have little steps to make training easier for students. It didn’t last too long. The new diver’s perception was they should be fully qualified after the first course, second they didn’t like the title Novice. After a review BSAC went back to a single entry level course called Ocean Diver - depth limit 20m.

We now have Advanced Ocean Diver, which comprises of:
* navigation,
* depth progression to 30m.
I think 200 dives, especially if they were varied, are enough to qualify for an AOW card without going through a course. People who went through lengthy basic scuba diver courses, some weeks long, should not be required to go through anything more. I was exposed to more class time and more diving when I was NASDS certified in 1972 than contemporary AOW courses require. I've never been turned down for a dive when it's the only card I bother submitting. I've seen too many AOW divers still afraid of the water, practically clinging to the DM. AOW is meaningless. It's experience that counts.
At the end of my 6-months-long first diving course, in 1975, Cmas gave me directly a two-stars certification (their equivalent to AOW).
One year later, after another 6-months course, I got full 3-stars certification, which allows for 50m max, deco stops and CC rebreathers.
Still recreational, but very close to tech.
AOW is what should be considered the standard certification for recreational diving.
Basic OW is just an introductory level, it allows to dive only shallow and in favourable conditions.
There is no reason for stopping at OW.
Serious diving schools usually offer OW+AOW as a single, fast course, lasting just a few weeks, not months as it was at my time.
This is a good suggestion.
Maybe in the Philippines.

In the US litigious society we have created for ourselves, it does not fulfill the dive shop requirement for an AOW card, which is also ********.
Just do a deep speciality course. This would 'supersede' the Advanced Course, and it's quite likely you would learn something useful like dive planning.
If an operator is looking for an Advanced Open Water certification due to liability coverage, the Deep Diver Specialty is not going to supersede that requirement.
- Pick Boat - show you can identify the parts of the boat then jump in for a rec dive
PADI boat diver sub specialty is a complete waste. So what you can identify what the parts of the boat are. You can download a sketch and know it all in about 2 minutes.

Everything you need to know is given in the briefing.

That certification is about as useful as "Golf Ball Diver". Might as well spend the time learning something useful. Search & Recovery or Fish ID comes to mind.
PADI boat diver sub specialty is a complete waste. So what you can identify what the parts of the boat are. You can download a sketch and know it all in about 2 minutes.

Everything you need to know is given in the briefing.

That certification is about as useful as "Golf Ball Diver". Might as well spend the time learning something useful. Search & Recovery or Fish ID comes to mind.
Wait ... There's a Golf Ball Diver cert ?!?

Why has nobody told me this before now ?!?
Wait ... There's a Golf Ball Diver cert ?!?

Why has nobody told me this before now ?!?
It involves getting eaten by a gator.

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