This video is quite a horror show. It has people on their knees on the bottom: practicing skills, waving sea hares around while squeezing the ink out of them, and chopping urchins into salad to feed to fish.
It has rebreather divers with various small air leaks in the head of their rigs. A rebreather diver trying to watch an urchin show who is unable to maintain neutral buoyancy, doing huge upward "get on your feet and cheer" sweeps of his arms to scull himself deeper so he can see. A rebreather diver on the bottom beneath geysering huge columns of bubbles as high as the kelp. I always wondered how people run out of diluent so fast.
And there's Yelp. Oh my.
hidden bad reviews: "not recommended"
main page: Scuba Schools of America (multiple bad reviews here, too)
What good is a certification agency if it passively allows situations like this to fester for years?
It has rebreather divers with various small air leaks in the head of their rigs. A rebreather diver trying to watch an urchin show who is unable to maintain neutral buoyancy, doing huge upward "get on your feet and cheer" sweeps of his arms to scull himself deeper so he can see. A rebreather diver on the bottom beneath geysering huge columns of bubbles as high as the kelp. I always wondered how people run out of diluent so fast.
And there's Yelp. Oh my.
hidden bad reviews: "not recommended"
main page: Scuba Schools of America (multiple bad reviews here, too)
What good is a certification agency if it passively allows situations like this to fester for years?