Scuba Park

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Next rallying point, a Scuba Park at the lake!?!?!?
(Since we've gone regional I suppose I should say Lake Pleasant now)

Great idea, but probably won't happen. We've done some preliminary investigation and you need three things, money, influence and more money. Besides, it would probably be confined to one small-ish area. Could you imagine the amount of OW classes competing for platform space or all the divers stuffing themselves into one cove?

Unless we can toss about the idea and come up with some other ideas, I think it’s pretty much dead in the water (pun intended).

I can volunteer time. Anyone else?

We wouldn’t have to worry about a certain LDS and their students mucking up the bottom at the lake……Since they won't dive there anyway.

MODS- feel free to move this to a new thread if you need….

I can volunteer some time, not sure where to start though.

Location: Well Scorpion Bay is my favorite spot, but with the new Marina and it being undiveable for 4-5 months of the year (unless some stairs or a brow where put in), I'm not sure it's the right spot. So we need to identify potential locations.

We'd have to consider the extreme changes of the lake water level. I'd think you'd need 3 platforms, when full, one shallow, one med. one deeper. So when the lake level drops the shallow one maybe above water but the other two would still be available.

But I pretty much want something sunk to look at, explore. Personally not so interested in platforms. SoCal got offered a submarine, I'm sure we could pry a patrol boat out of the Navy :D (That would be sweet, we can dream can't we)

As a devil's advocate kindof concern, I'd hate to have a Scuba Park and then the county restrict us to only it's confines. That would suck!

I would be more then willing to lend a hand in this. I have no clue what would need to be done, but I'd be willing to help if possible.

Just an idea, but maybe someone could scope out the marina and see if there's any old boats that someone would be willing to sell and let us sink. It might not be much and I have no idea what legal things would need to get done, but that might be a start. We might also try junk yards and see if we can find any old cars or something else interesting.

I think it's a great idea, but I don't think it would be very feasible at Lake Pleasant. The water level changes way too much. Even if we could fund the building of a scuba park, I don't think the funding would be there for the upkeep year after year, especially having to move the "attractions" as the water level moves. A possibility would be to work on getting some "attractions" placed in the water in different areas, possibly where the existing buoys already are. That way the buoys could just be tied off to the attraction to mark the location. During part of the year, they would be accessible by land and other times they would require a boat ride or not be divable at all due to depth.
First thing we need to do is find out who the "decision-maker" is for that type of project. Is it Fish and Game, City of Peoria, Maricopa County Parks and Rec? I think there are actually two sides to Lake Pleasant (a private side and a county side). Figure out where you want to put it and start hunting around.

Once you determine the governing body, you need to write a proposal. The proposal must cover the environmental (minimal), resource (very imporant) and financial impact on the project. Remember, because the lake levels drop so much, the park will need to move with it. If you could include CAP water level projections and a civil engineer feasibility report on this, you would be a step ahead of the game. Shifting lake levels is something everyone involved with LP is cognizant about. They have to deal with the movement of Buoys all the time (for boats). When I approached the Marina about doing it at Vista Point, they said they weren't interested because they have a tough enough time managing the boating lanes.

Once you have a proposal together, you need to go after community support. Every dive shop in town should work a petition to put one in place. The more people asking, the more weight it will carry.

Lastly, you have to be organized. A couple of scuba divers walking into an office won't work. You need to have a group, preferably a non-profit group that is willing to put committees to do feasibility studies, collect names and volunteer to manage the park. If you could get the power of PADI/Project Aware behind this, all the better.

I am happy to help out any way I can. I have written proposals like this in the past.

Hope this steers people in the right direction.


PS - Wouldn't count on a wreck. The water levels change too radically. A floating platform for instructors to evaluate skills would make sense and be very handy out in the lake.

PS - Wouldn't count on a wreck. The water levels change too radically. A floating platform for instructors to evaluate skills would make sense and be very handy out in the lake.


I don't see the point in pursuing a project like this, other than maybe restricting watercraft from the area like they do in Lake Mead, unless there are wrecks involved. I don't think a few floating platforms are worth the effort.
Yup... it's a good idea.
Nop... you don't need much money to have an attraction/s in one of the lakes.
You should get an official permission from the Lake authority to drown inside the lake any suitable vessel/s you find in a closest dump.
It can be anything you want: car, bus, etc...
It should pass through special process which let it be ready for divers as not to risk themselves, and also it needs to be transfered from the dump to the lake and drown it safely.
I'm sure you'll find dozens of vessels like that at any dump.
I'm sorry I don't understand much about the American rules, since I'm not local.
Is it an option ?
I don't see the point in pursuing a project like this, other than maybe restricting watercraft from the area like they do in Lake Mead, unless there are wrecks involved. I don't think a few floating platforms are worth the effort.
John, great information.

I have to agree with Rob, unless the goal is to sink something I don't see much point.

Yup... it's a good idea.
Nop... you don't need much money to have an attraction/s in one of the lakes.
You should get an official permission from the Lake authority to drown inside the lake any suitable vessel/s you find in a closest dump.
It can be anything you want: car, bus, etc...
It should pass through special process which let it be ready for divers as not to risk themselves, and also it needs to be transfered from the dump to the lake and drown it safely.
I'm sure you'll find dozens of vessels like that at any dump.
I'm sorry I don't understand much about the American rules, since I'm not local.
Is it an option ?

Gilad, unfortunately it's not that simple in the US. Finding vessels wouldn't be a problem, but they would have to be completely stripped down, cleaned, and inspected to make sure EPA regs don't get violated. Read John's post, it pretty much outlines the process necessary. But it's a lot more involved than even that. Even for a manmade lake!
I do not think it is worth doing, either. Just trying to help.
Lots of time to make it happen. A ton of time once it is up and running.

The only logical place to put a park would be on the end of road like Desert Tortoise Road or Vista Point. That way as water levels dropped it would be somewhat easy to move.

If someone wanted to take this project on, they would probably need to start by calling one of these folks:

Maricopa County Parks & Recreation Dept.
Headquarters Administrative Offices
234 N. Central Ave, Suite 6400
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Ph: 602-506-2930 Fax: 602-506-4692


The Lake Pleasant Regional Park headquarters can be reached by calling (602) 372-7460

They could point someone in the right direction. Although the actual lake itself may be controllled by someone completelty different like Fish and Game. Although that is a guess. In any case, something like this will need to be run by a commission ultimately. So having some political friends waiting in the wings would be helpful.

Good luck,


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