Scuba etiquette 101

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In addition to some others already mentioned,

1. Diving industry people that are less skilled than I, acting like dive gurus instead of constantly learning and trying to become better divers themselves.

1.5. Instructors who dont take the time to work serious dive skills with OW students, instead just trying to get through the checklist as quickly as possible.

2. People who smoke on a dive boat. Seriously, you have to have seen the data proving that your little habbit is detrimental to your health. Show some courtesy to those of us who dont smoke.

2.5. People who smoke on the fuel dock.

3. Captains who put you on the wrong wreck and think you will never know the difference. So...exactly how many boilers is a diesel submarine supposed to have?

4. Newbie divers who buy some recreational "tech" look gear who proceede to be loud and annoying while trying to call attention to themselves and their gear. Yeah, you are certified now, welcome to the world of diving but shut up and dive.

5. People who think diving is only about who has the most expensive gear and people who never bother to learn how to use their own gear. All the expensive gear in the world does not make you a better diver.

6. People who show up at scubaclub meeting and out of nowhere start telling you their life story and how rough things have been lately. Leave me alone, I came here to listen to a dive related presentation and converse about diving. Go buy a cat.

7. Divers who set up next to you on the boat but have little regard for your gear or divers who like your reg and start handling it without your persmission. I am about to put that mouthpiece in my mouth. Keep your hands off my stuff.

8. People who use divetrip/boat dive/scubaclub to try to expand their business. I saw a lawyer pitching his routine to divers on a boat recently. For that matter, shops that use the scubaclub or shop arranged trips as a clever ploy to sell stuff. "Why are you diving APEKS/mares/etc? Come by the shop later and we will hook you up with Scubapro."

9. Divers who give advice on stuff they dont actually do, like spearfishing, etc.

10. Divers who try to pick an argument about which agency is the best. Give it a rest, anyone who has been diving long enough knows intructors are the real difference. Shut up and dive.

Marlinspike once bubbled...
9. Divers who give advice on stuff they dont actually do, like spearfishing, etc.

This one reminded me of another. Spearfishers who stay right by the group in low vis when they are spearfishing. I don't mind if they are using a spear, but when using a speargun, please stay away from the group. Ecspecially in low vis. I have had many instances where I turn to find myself staring at the end of a speargun that is ready to go only because the diver is being careless.
1.5. Instructors who dont take the time to work serious dive skills with OW students, instead just trying to get through the checklist as quickly as possible.

totally agree............and think that Business presure is a lot to blame in certain Associations........


The dive master on a boat I was on recently in Florida told us all that we had to be back on board by 3:30. One team of divers returned to the boat at 3:55. When confronted by the DM they laughed about it.

This is unacceptable, rude behaviour. The boat was full of other divers who all paid the same money to be there. These people kept the rest of us waiting. Also, at a certain point after the rendevous time the captain is REQUIRED by the coast guard to call in and report the missing divers so a search can begin. THis is nothing to laugh about.

I've seen people on Internet message boards boasting about how they came on board half an hour after the rendevous time and laughed at all the other divers who were scouling at them. These are inconsiderate and possibly dangerous divers. If I owned a charter boat I would ban anyone who behaved this way.
This one reminded me of another. Spearfishers who stay right by the group in low vis when they are spearfishing.

I totally agree. Spearfishing and recreational divers dont belong on the same boat or wreck or area.

Where I live (PA) courtesy has become at best a waste of time and at worst a sign of weakness...why should the SCUBA world be any different.

It is a very simple concept-take a minute to think of the needs of the people around you, and do your best to meet them. Every time you do that at the expense of your own comfort, you make the world a little better.

Also, my favorite saying "It is better to be silent and considered a fool, than to open your mouth and confirm it"

My biggest gripe is also the attitude that the most expensive gear is the best.
I have what many hogs and dirs will call an el cheapo rig, But its done many dives and it works for me. (Key word, me). I also hate being told "that wont work ", how the bloody hell would you know!!!

What is the big hang up with masks on heads?
Next time you see a person with a mask on his head, do you really say "hey, that guy is in trouble!!!"
Secondly, when a person IS really in trouble, is that the only sign?? I think not.
I would never wear a mask on my head whilst newer divers and students are around, but when I am with a familiar crowd, who know my distressed signs, what the hell!
Marlinspike once bubbled...
Shut up and dive.

Well Said! And I agree 100% with your other points as well, except for the 'get a cat'. I prefer dogs myself. Other than that, great post!
Biggest gripe....

A skipper / mate / dive master that acts like your presence on the boat is a major inconvience to them.
What ever happened to customer service? If you don't have a passion for the work, do something else.

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