An online dealer was discontinuing their whole Shearwater line, last February, and held quite a fire-sale -- a new Teric for 695.00 and a NERD 2 for 1K; so I thought that it was high-time to sport a toque, order the poutine special at Tim Horton's, and to join the Canuck Cult -- couldn't really justify that chunk of change otherwise.
Poseidon is certainly a hard sell, nowadays (which hadn't always been the case), and recent US listings have only shown the absurd MSRP rates; though as others have already said, negotiations are frequently possible, especially around the holidays (I recently picked up a Jetstream MK3, from ScubaToys in Texas, for my niece, for US 600.00 vs the going rate of about 900.00); so too, buying from overseas can be a viable solution, which I have done at an ever increasing rate.
There can be vast differences between purchasing here or abroad. In an extreme example (mentioned in a related thread), the Atmosphere (full-face mask) had been listed on for 2300.00, which included both first and second stages.
In Germany, that very same set-up ( new "older" stock through a dealer), currently runs 749 euros (lately, about US 816.00). For obvious reasons, and because I can easily service the gear, most of my equipment is no longer purchased in the States.
A friend, tired of sucking air through an OTS Guardian "straw," picked one up in 2022 after borrowing one of my FFMs for work -- everything was entirely to specs -- all was as advertised; and he couldn't be happier . . .