I use the mass of my scooter. ( http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/underwater-videography/365397-gopro-scooter-mount.html )
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This is what I'm using: Intova Stay Slim with Flex Arm model SSFL | Intova. I have a retractable line attached to for when I need both hands free. It's small and light, you can tuck it into your BC straps if needed. I also got the 2nd half attachments so it's got two flex arms to hold lights. All this makes it the best bang for the buck as far as camera tray and strobe/light arms go for any underwater camera.
The main kit, which is the camera tray and flex arm, is $33. To make up the other half, you can either get a 2nd kit, or the individual parts. The flashlight mounts are $7 each. So everything runs about $60 to $75. Intova also has another mount, but it doesn't have flex arms.this is pretty cool... how much is this set up?