Ken Kurtis
Here we go again.
So my theme today is "Did you actually read what I wrote?" If I had said, "He shot him in the head with a gun" why do you read it as "I'm happy he shot him in the head with a gun and that's a good thing."
How does ANY of that reflect favorably upon Sundiver? If they were really in control of the info, why on earth would they let any of that out?
I'm going to say something here that I was working on when the thread was locked down.
I think some of you don't understand what an expert witness does (or at least how I operate - Glenn Egstrom does it this way too). Sometimes what we're saying to whomever we work for is, "You don't have a case and you should settle." Sometimes we say, "We've got problems over here but we're on solid ground over here." And I just finished a case where I told the attorneys that I'd do my best to provide some cover but don't ask me this, this, or this because there's no defense or rationale I can provide and I'll side with the plaintiffs.
If you think what an expert does - at least me - is ask the attorney what they want us to say and then we go cash a fat check, that's not how it is for me. (I can't speak for other experts.)
And to Chrism"s comment about my . . . verbosity (I prefer the term "thoroughness") . . . being perhaps misconstrued as bullying, that's not my intent. I LOVE a good vigorous discussion. I try to make my points in as detailed a way as possible so as to avoid confusion about what I am saying. I am apparently failing miserably, at least here. I KNOW I come off as long-winded. (See my comment in #85.)
I also have no intention of making this the "What Does Ken Think" thread (see my comment in #96). And since we seem to be plowing the same ground over and over and over again, I'm going to do my best to exercise restraint and decline to post further in this thread. (However, anything I perceive as a direct attack/question on my character or integrity WILL likely get a response.)
If anyone really wants to talk about things, I'm happy to discuss this with you privately. I can be reached at as well as at 310/652-4990. Contact me if you like.
- Ken
So my theme today is "Did you actually read what I wrote?" If I had said, "He shot him in the head with a gun" why do you read it as "I'm happy he shot him in the head with a gun and that's a good thing."
Could you please (serious question) point me to where I said and assured anyone they were watching the surface during the dive. Here's what I said in #184: "The botched roll call doesn't mean they weren't watching the water for anyone in trouble while people were diving, it means they didn't do the count right at the end." I said just because one didn't happen, you can't assume the other didn't happen. I didn't say it DID happen. I haven't expressed an opinion on it. But you're doing what is generally a great lawyer trick at trial: Find one thing wrong and then assert that everything else must be wrong too.It may well be creative writing... I am very far from convinced that the crew was diligently monitoring the surface for early ascending (and late) ascending divers. How can you provide such an assurance? You make this assumption why? Because the crew told you? Because they usually watch the surface?
Not what I'm trying to do, quite frankly. Think what you want. But if something is posted that I think is factually wrong, having nothing to do with my relationship with Sundiver but with an appreciation for accuracy and truth, yes, I'll call someone on it.None of that is convincing to me.
Best guess and clarified somewhere in this thread as such. Newspaper said she went in at 9:35AM.If the crew provided you detailed information about exactly when she went in . .
Maybe they don't know. Maybe I didn't ask. Maybe I don't have an opinion in that specific area.. . . but they won't tell you what gear she was diving with, won't confirm that her name was on the roster etc. etc.
Zero logic in making that connection.Then I just don't buy the assumption they were watching the surface.
Actually, you don't know that. In all seriousness, you don't know what their normal procedures are. HYPOTHETICALLY, they could never call roll but if they always left a dive site after all divers were aboard, the net effect would be the same as having called the roll. Similarly, they could regularly botch the roll call by omitting names but if the people they didn't call are actually back, no one's aware of the roll call error and it has no real effect. (I know this is going to come back to bite me in the butt as someone's going to think I'm advocating this but I wanted to make the point. Besides, I like to live dangerously.). . .obviously they don't normally forget to call people's names before they leave the dive site . . .
Again, WHERE have I made that assumption, since that's what you seem to be implying.. . . so assuming that everything ELSE was being handled perfectly by the crew is a stretch.
Hallelujah!!!!! We agree!!!!I don't view ANY of the proposed scenarios as "theories".. they are nothing more than educated guesses, none of which can be tested without the release of more information.
Red Letter Day!!!!! We agree TWICE!!!!!My personal opinion from reading this thread and being around diving for a long time is that the crew had NOTHING to do with the fatality . . .
You seem to be under the impression that someone with Sundiver is controlling all the info. What's been discovered so far is (1) Diver presumed dead, (2) Boat left site not knowing diver wasn't there let alone presumed dead, (3) Diver may have been diving without key piece of gear, (4) Diver was solo, (5) Dive op was involved in similar incident a dozen years earlier, and (6) Dive op may have tax/legal issues.The more that we see that only certain information is being released, the more that we are given assurances that the crew was not in any way responsible - the less I am inclined to believe it.
How does ANY of that reflect favorably upon Sundiver? If they were really in control of the info, why on earth would they let any of that out?
I'm going to say something here that I was working on when the thread was locked down.
I think some of you don't understand what an expert witness does (or at least how I operate - Glenn Egstrom does it this way too). Sometimes what we're saying to whomever we work for is, "You don't have a case and you should settle." Sometimes we say, "We've got problems over here but we're on solid ground over here." And I just finished a case where I told the attorneys that I'd do my best to provide some cover but don't ask me this, this, or this because there's no defense or rationale I can provide and I'll side with the plaintiffs.
If you think what an expert does - at least me - is ask the attorney what they want us to say and then we go cash a fat check, that's not how it is for me. (I can't speak for other experts.)
And to Chrism"s comment about my . . . verbosity (I prefer the term "thoroughness") . . . being perhaps misconstrued as bullying, that's not my intent. I LOVE a good vigorous discussion. I try to make my points in as detailed a way as possible so as to avoid confusion about what I am saying. I am apparently failing miserably, at least here. I KNOW I come off as long-winded. (See my comment in #85.)
I also have no intention of making this the "What Does Ken Think" thread (see my comment in #96). And since we seem to be plowing the same ground over and over and over again, I'm going to do my best to exercise restraint and decline to post further in this thread. (However, anything I perceive as a direct attack/question on my character or integrity WILL likely get a response.)
If anyone really wants to talk about things, I'm happy to discuss this with you privately. I can be reached at as well as at 310/652-4990. Contact me if you like.
- Ken