I've seen many accidents and incidents threads with lots of speculation and other posts with people defending such as theorizing is part of the forums rules...
I know Quero was huge part of our community but I don't see the harm in theorizing based on current information as being harmful as long as its within the rules...
I've seen two valid speculations based on the limited information (DVT and Drysuit issues, additionally people wondering if getting cold so quick into a dive means anything)... All of this is information that existed beforehand
I haven't actually seen the rampant or totally unjustifiable speculation that exists in many other threads... I say its all good thus far..
Please remember, speculation gives us the opportunity to think of things we may not have before... Especially for newer divers like myself... Regardless of if the true cause is revealed eventually
I agree, except we don't have any known problems to work with. Many of us are eager to know and/or many of us speculate with suspected causes as a learning experience in these threads - but there's not anything to go with here other than wild guesses. I get a sore leg if I sit wrong at my computer wrong, but nothing.
I believe that respectful speculation does have value as it makes us more aware of just what can go wrong. Maybe this thread has made people more aware of DVT. Many of us fly to far off destinations to dive and on long flights DVT can be an issue. She was 62, and as most of us older than 60 can attest minor aches and pains from exertion are a fact of life and not something that we would normally complain about to others which suggests to me that the pain in her leg was more than just a minor strain and something more serious.
I was lucky with mine as I did ignore it as a pulled muscle for several days, then went diving in another state as well as hosting my out of town GF for the weekend - quite strenuous. But then that clot could have broken lose and caused a stroke before I even got my dive gear packed. It probably would have been good for me to see the doctor much sooner, but I might not have gotten that far.
A year later, I wondered if I had another one - and did go in. The doctor couldn't give me an answer without another whole barrage of tests & ultrasounds, even tho he really knew. Luckily I sensed this in he guarded discussion and phrased my question:
"Are these the kinds of symptoms that go with DVTs or sore muscles?" "Muscles." I walked. Even since, my grandson bruised his inside thigh in a dumb bicycel fall so badly that I went to town to take him to get a professional opinion as neither of his parents could get off that day, and then ended up going to the ER with him next as the nurse practitioner couldn't call it. Finally saw an ER doctor who laughed and said get an ice pack. It can be challenging to find a reasonable approach at times.
Still, she was so much more reasonable that I, I think - if the leg had gotten worse with the flight, I suspect she would have called the dives instead of going in like I did. I just don't see enough to discuss at this point, but I am confident the Aussie officials will release their findings soon enough.
As mention, her diving buds are probably still too much in shock to give us more info now. If that changes, that could be helpful, but encouraging speculation at this point is too far fetched even for me. For them to come here to discuss it would probably be helpful to them, but I've observed that rampant speculations in an A&I thread and discourage such witness participation.