Scuba Chat Error

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There have been a few other reported issues with the chat. The problem seems to be firewall related and stems from the fact that the chat is Java based and is hosted offsite by another website, If your firewall blocks access to that site, or keeps it from authenticating then you will get the chat log in error.

I never had a problem in the "old board" I was always able to get into chat. The problem occurred first time with this new super duper upgraded board. I try the logout/login and get back to you.

Both laptops had no problem with Chat in the older version of the board.

Both the board software and the Chat software were upgraded in the last 90 days. The chat moved from a Flash module based chat that IIRC was hosted here to a completely different product hosted by in Indiana. SB's servers are in FL.

It may not be the firewall on your machine but one downstream as Gehadoski just noted two posts above this one.

Can you get to Java Chat Software - AddonChat from there? (although that may not be a definitive test)

I just duplicated every setting in your account that could possibly be relevant to a new test acct. and was able to login to the Chat using IE and Firefox so to me this really feels like a local issue.

I really don't have any other resolution to offer you.
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so I have been having the same error, but only from work, from home I am ok. So I went over to Java Chat Software - AddonChat like was mentioned, and figured hey maybe it is a port thing. so I hit up their demo, and walla, unless it is a fake simulation I can log in there, and chat with myself.
The demo link? no. It takes you into a demo chat room. but I am the only one there, so for all I know it is just a client dummy that doesn't connect to a real server.

Ok...I stand corrected a user xyz logged in beeped at me and logged out. so it is a real server, and I can indeed log into it from the office, while unable to log into the sb version.
I just tried to connect using the free internet service at the Dubai mall and it is still a problem. I wonder if this is an issue for the whole UAE.
I actually posted that in Post #21 but removed because I thought no way...but maybe that's it.

A quick google: Internet censorship UAE

Most of the time a message will appear when a website is blocked, that makes it clear the UAE authorities have blocked the site. Occasionally though, either a blank page, or Network Error type message will appear, leaving viewers confused as to whether a site has been blocked, or there really is a problem with the website

I know I'm

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