Scuba Chat Error

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I fixed this problem for someone else a while ago on the old board. All I need to do now is remember how I did it. :shakehead:

In the meantime I've disabled/re-enabled permissions for both of you. I doubt it will do anything but please logout and log back in and try the Chat again.

and let me know what happens.

I've subscribed to this thread and will try to find the other post where I fixed this. I'll let you both know if/when I do.
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I never had a problem in the "old board" I was always able to get into chat. The problem occurred first time with this new super duper upgraded board. I try the logout/login and get back to you.
I found the post but it was a different issue unfortunately.
The Chat Test account is as generic as can be. Right b4 I posted here, I tried it and it worked.

So my assumption would be that it's something on your end.
I tried it on two different computers as I have posted above on my end. They have different O/S (one is Windows 7 and the other is Windows Vista). Each laptop has different AV/FW. One is Kaspersky and the other is AVG. Both laptops had no problem with Chat in the older version of the board.
Do you have a hardware firewall on your router? Check to be sure it's letting through.

Probably or 64.255.248.anything should be allowed. It's in Indiana.
Right now I am in a hotel apartment in UAE and my internet is through the hotel's internet connection. I'll check through another internet connection tomorrow.
you are right, the problem is in my companies firewall, I tried to connect using MCV and it worked. I will check with security setting with the IT department and come back to you with the result
Can anyone from the support team send me the port that the chatting application is connecting on ?

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