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Hi everyone,
I'm new here, but not to scuba. I've been diving for many years. I am a gardener in Denver and have winter's off, so I usually travel. I'm heading to the horn of Africa in January for a couple of months. Looking forward to diving in Eritrea as I have never dove in the Red Sea before. I will search the boards for more info on Eritrean diving.
I have an equalization problem. And my ears don't clear well either....get it...:D
I am going to try the vented ear plugs idea along with the Star-otic or home remedy ear drops.
Anyone know what kind of water temp I can expect in Eritrea in jan/Feb?
Welcome to the boards!
You shouldn't get fresh like that in public. Lol.
Has the war between Eritrea and Ethiopia finished yet? I would look into that if I were you. 2 main considerations with tropical diving. Wash out the ears with fresh water and keep the skin clean. Very easy to pick up infections. #2 Dehydration. Drink heaps before the dive and after. Gloves might be handy as well if you're near reefs or if the anchorlines are coral encrusted (which they often are. Garden gloves will do.) A skin suit or shorty and take any custom fit gear if you are not a normal size for hire gear.
Take your own little repair kit because spare orings for tanks etc are not likely to be there and you can at least get yourself in the water if you have your own. Watch out for military ordinance in the area and don't stray from the tried and true paths (mines)
Otherwise, have a great time.
Cheers Big Ears
Just don't ever say that you're an underwater gardener on this board and you'll have a good time. Welcome!
Hello and welcome from Spain.

Sorry I can not give you information about Eritrea, but it seem to be good becouse I went two years ago to Sudan, that is the country noth of Eritrea and it was really good for dive, we saw a lot of sarks, hammerheads ,daulphins, good corals and reefs, if you want to see some photos please go to my website , also in the links you can see the diving center that operate in this place, may be they have more informations about this zone.

Happy diving

Josep & gemma

:hi: :hi:
Hi, welcome aboard. Great information here.
Hey Greg,
The border dispute between Eritrea and Ethiopia has been over for a couple of years. There are still some dangers around the border. There is still no way to get between the 2 countries directly and there is still no Eritrean Embassy open in Ethiopia. But I was able to get visas to both countries without a problem.

Thank you for your words of advice about tropical diving. I will be traveling for several weeks in Ethiopia with a backpack, so I will not be able to take much diving gear. Snorkel and mask, possibly my fins although this is doubtful. Maybe my shorty and booties and gloves. I am a very skinny girl, so usually the wet suits available are too big, but my shorty fits and I understand the water is fairly warm. I have purchased vented Pro plugs to keep water out of my ears and will take along a squirt bottle of ear solution.
Thanks for your advice. :)

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