Scuabamau diving accident

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I don't think that is possible. The elevator ride is 750'. That is a tiny fraction of a one atmosphere change. Compare that to the differential that passengers experience in a commercial airliner with a cabin pressure of 8000ft.! Or a ride to the top of the World Trade Center (when it was standing!) at 1368 ft.

Also, there are a lot of people who work in underground mines, and routinely travel a mile or more vertically (and quickly) to and from work. Never heard of a DCS incident in a mine.
What dive shop did Gabbi work at before Scuba Mau? He looks very familiar to me....
What dive shop did Gabbi work at before Scuba Mau? He looks very familiar to me....
I think I remember him being with Papa Hogs when I dove with them some years back.
I don't think that is possible. The elevator ride is 750'. That is a tiny fraction of a one atmosphere change. Compare that to the differential that passengers experience in a commercial airliner with a cabin pressure of 8000ft.! Or a ride to the top of the World Trade Center (when it was standing!) at 1368 ft.

Admittedly, I haven't taken a flight-test in a little bit of time, but I have flipped the switch and rotated the dial on the pressurization system a few times.

Assuming the International Standard Atmosphere is present;
Sea Level = 14.7psi
WTC Observation = 14.0psi
6000' Cabin = 11.8psi
8000' Cabin = 10.9psi
10,000 Cabin = 10.1psi

Also, there are a lot of people who work in underground mines, and routinely travel a mile or more vertically (and quickly) to and from work. Never heard of a DCS incident in a mine.
If that's the case, you'd be surprised by your results related to some light research of "Caisson Disease".

You'd be surprised to note, a vertical half-mile trip into a mine would immerse yourself in an approximate pressure of 16psi. I can make no claim any of this is scientifically accurate, but I do know how many PSI of "differential" it takes to make the passengers happy and the drinks taste just right.
Also, there are a lot of people who work in underground mines, and routinely travel a mile or more vertically (and quickly) to and from work. Never heard of a DCS incident in a mine.

If that's the case, you'd be surprised by your results related to some light research of "Caisson Disease".
The first case of what we now call DCS was reported in a coal mine in 1841. I am no mining expert by any means, but it is my understanding that DCS symptoms in mines in the 1800's were fairly common, and Paul Bert's pioneering work on "Caisson Disease" had an impact on mining practices.

On the other hand...

It is also my understanding that mining practices today are different, and elevator rides to caves are different still. The 1841 coal mine was pressurized to keep water out, and I believe it was fairly common to pressurize the mines where miners worked during that time period. I also believe that this is not done any longer. (Someone with a more encyclopedic knowledge of this please correct me if I am wrong.) If a person in the depths of a mine or a cavern is not under artificial pressure, the danger would be greatly reduced or even eliminated.

Again, I wold be happy to be corrected if wrong.
Here is the latest update from Opal's mom. This was posted on facebook.

Rally for Opal & Gabi & Heath's Recovery Scuba Mau | Facebook

Well guys, after two great days with Opal smiling and blinking, this morning her blood pressure bottomed out, her heart rate went over 100 and she had a temp of 104. Seems they have discovered her brain stem is also injured and is very swollen. This means the signals from the brain to the body is being shorted out and causing the erratic stats. She can't be placed in the chamber due to this latest event. Her stem was swollen when we first arrived, we just found out today. We were trying to get her transfered to Mercy hospital for the chamber, but, that option was never on the table as we found out today. We were told Jackson Memorial was the best for neuro medicine, then found out it wouldn't do any good to move her there because the same doctors work at both Miami University and Jackson Memorial hospitals.
I'm sorry I don't have any good news to tell you, but, hopefully this is just her brain stem trying to sort things out so things will straighten out. Right now it is still just one big wait and see. This isn't good plain and simple. Keep up the prayers and positive thoughts as she needs them now as much as ever.
This post seems to have been removed from the fb page, as have a few others from yesterday. Newest post I'm seeing is from 10:52a yesterday morning. The link to where Jen's letter requesting donations was on fb is also no longer valid. Wonder what's going on there? The person who set up the page, do they have any real connection to the families, Opal or Gabi, or was it just a diver customer friend who wanted to do something? It's weird that such important informative posts would just disappear.
I don't think that is possible. The elevator ride is 750'. That is a tiny fraction of a one atmosphere change. Compare that to the differential that passengers experience in a commercial airliner with a cabin pressure of 8000ft.! Or a ride to the top of the World Trade Center (when it was standing!) at 1368 ft.
Of course not. That doctor owned the chambers.
This post seems to have been removed from the fb page, as have a few others from yesterday. Newest post I'm seeing is from 10:52a yesterday morning. The link to where Jen's letter requesting donations was on fb is also no longer valid. Wonder what's going on there? The person who set up the page, do they have any real connection to the families, Opal or Gabi, or was it just a diver customer friend who wanted to do something? It's weird that such important informative posts would just disappear.
That report is still there, twice, by two posters. Click Everyone (Most Recent) on the wall. The paypal links are on the Info page.
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