As a person who's been trained in science, it's... interesting to see the total disconnect)(or lack of understanding of science) illustrated by some of the posts here.
Crappy diving style and possible (local) damage to coral has nothing, zero, nada to do with the quality of the science and the quality of the data per se. Yes, the guys should have been more careful when they took their samples. But global warming is... global. Damage to coral is local. Local damage has very little to do with global phenomena. If anything at all.
Dismissing the science done based on the field behavior of a couple of clumsy researchers (probably young PhD students) is - at best - short-sighted.
I don't think you meant me, but who knows. Why be vague and not be specific when complaining?
For what its worth, as an engineer with a good amount of scientific training and as a person, who often gets to help our scientists grasp reality, I claim I have a decent & working understanding how science works. I see good science. I see good but misguided science. And I see bad science, perpetuated to keep people employed and research going.
I am not saying, nor did I say this is the case here.
But I am not seeing much purpose in anyone claiming science is always misunderstood by "the public". Any scientist worth their salt would refrain from such generalisations.
So, yes, Wookie did make too general of a statement early on. Did he not qualify it a bit better later in the thread?
My point was more along the lines of that even good scientists need to take care to lead by example and source their stuff with alpropriate care, wnsuring that their own guidlines are followed. If yhey dont do this, they indeed still may be doing good science. For me, personally, they then however, despite the good science they still may be doing, they may not be good scientists anymore because of their lackadaisical sourcing practises.
I do agree that global warming and potential localised damage done mechanically as illustrated in the pictures are two entirely different things.
But I don't have to like a scientist or a scientists hired or volunteer help doing such damage any more than individual or hordes of careless divers ... or governmemts rebuilding reefs into military instalations or...
So do the science without adding to the damage total if and wherever possible. Certainly this could have done better here. As Wookie described in quite some detail.
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