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Christine Jacquot

Reaction score
Spring Hill, Florida, United States
# of dives
50 - 99
Hello fellow divers! My name is Christine and I am an avid scuba diver. I am a junior in highschool and that means I am going to college! The problem is that the college I want to go to costs $47,000...per year. So I am in major need for some money! I want to become an environmental engineer and minor in oceanography so I can change our oceans and help them begin to heal from the damage careless people have inflicted on them. The point is, is that if anyone could click on this link and just vote for my essay, I could win a lot money to help pay for college. Don't you want our oceans to get better for future generations after ours? If yes then please take 2 seconds and vote! Thank you! :) :)

---------- Post added May 1st, 2013 at 06:23 PM ----------

Here is the link! Thank you for your help!
Spring Hill? People from Spring Hill can't graduate from college.... LOL.

Just Kidding. Good luck.
Can you embed the link? It won't let me click on it and Tapatalk won't let me cut and me help you help the ocean!
The site seems to be down...I tried going to it but got a 503 Error
Christine, I applaud your initiative. But I also read your essay, which is quite poorly written.

You have decided to choose a very expensive school, which you cannot afford. Having done so, you MUST find the funds to do what you want to do . . . but anyone who supports you must feel confident that you will make truly good use of the money you have raised. Had I been the student deciding on this approach for fund-raising, I would have submitted my essay to others (teachers, mother, mentors) to make sure it was impressive and would inspire readers to support the author.

When I wanted a college education, I had no money. I did two things -- I chose a school whose costs were as low as possible, and I worked as much as I possibly could, to earn as much money as I could and minimize the debt I incurred. I'll admit that that was 35 years ago, and prices were lower. But I would have felt much more motivated to help you, had you presented a plan which itemized how you were going to go about amassing the money for your education . . . and had you made the effort to create a much more polished and persuasive essay.

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