Suggestion SB Staff Drowning in Suggestions?

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Scuba Instructor
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...I understand, really I can only imagine.

But I have one more anyway. For a small fee, put addicts like me on a service with a TIMER. I don't know why I cannot get off of this board. ADDICTED, plain and simple.

I would pay 20 dollars a month if you would lock me out except for one hour per day.

Plus, it would keep my posts to the point. I could still network with my friends....still post dives....still do everything I do now within reason.

Frankly, there are a few great people who are not here anymore becuae they could not self-limit their time and their spouses pulled the cord.

So...I think it is a great idea. I'd like my hour to be whenever I want to use it in the 24 hr period, please. I am sure Laurens will have no trouble writing the program, in his spare time.
Your wish shall be granted...

I'll ban you until I've finished cooking dinner.

Starting at 0700 PM CET, it will end at 0800 PM CET.
Could he first fix the stupid thing.... then do the timer thing... please
El Orans:
Your wish shall be granted...

I'll ban you until I've finished cooking dinner.

Starting at 0700 PM CET, it will end at 0800 PM CET.
Don't you mean, When She is finished cooking dinner! <ducks and runs>
For the next hour you can only visit this forum... :)
Along the same lines, can you do something about Facebook as well? I like it here but the cat hasn't been fed in awhile.
Frankly, there are a few great people who are not here anymore becuae they could not self-limit their time and their spouses pulled the cord.

:11: Don't ever give my wife that idea!

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