Suggestion SB Staff Drowning in Suggestions?

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Scuba Instructor
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...I understand, really I can only imagine.

But I have one more anyway. For a small fee, put addicts like me on a service with a TIMER. I don't know why I cannot get off of this board. ADDICTED, plain and simple.

I would pay 20 dollars a month if you would lock me out except for one hour per day.

Plus, it would keep my posts to the point. I could still network with my friends....still post dives....still do everything I do now within reason.

Frankly, there are a few great people who are not here anymore becuae they could not self-limit their time and their spouses pulled the cord.

So...I think it is a great idea. I'd like my hour to be whenever I want to use it in the 24 hr period, please. I am sure Laurens will have no trouble writing the program, in his spare time.
See? If there was a industrious mod

who is always on here from work ANYWAY...

they would say "send me 20 bucks a month and I'll lock you out when you have been on too long"

I wish I could do it to myself.

You know I'm just here to hear myself talk...there must be a solution.
m'Lady Catherine, sometimes ya jist gotta do whut ya gotta do
:11: Don't ever give my wife that idea!

Likewise, never give my husband that idea. :wink:

Catherine... we are soooo in the same boat! I can never seem to get off of here either. I find myself refreshing pages time and time again... just to see if there's been ONE more post!

Why doesn't SB come with an "addiction warning?" :popcorn:
I am sooo clairvoyant!...guess who is "back?" YAY---YIPEEE---the Redhead has freedom papers. She has no idea I was refering to her (and others) I bet. Oh dherbman is another one....SO's can only take so much from SB, I get it completely.

I have until Nov 1 to wean myself ...and then it will be back to sneaking around in the middle of the night to log on.

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