SB Paid Subscriptions?

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And uh, Shaka...
but that seems to be the business model these days. Get people hooked and then charge them.
But not our business model. We do things a tad differently here, and MOST people appreciate that. :D
A ScubaBoard Administrator is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent! :eyebrow: (and sometimes all wet)
On a side note... KUDOS to those of you who are signing up already! We haven't even made the formal announcement and people are already showing their support! THANKS!!!
Yep, but money talks and.............. I don't care, whatever.

A fair assertion, money does talk but talk is cheap at the same time. One of the "perks" of this system is that you no longer see banner advertisements meaning there is a change in the revenue structure. Again, this is not about limiting features and unlike many popular services which have had to charge an arm and a leg and cut services because of a faltering business model our system is going great and the paid memberships are only about giving extra. The features you have today will be here tomorrow and paying doesn't give you any special way to get around the rules, just as our advertisers don't get around them. I am certain that the actions we have shown over the past few years illustrate our commitment to remaining fair and open and never letting a dollar dictate how we run things.
A ScubaBoard Administrator is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent! :eyebrow: (and sometimes all wet)
I think you're getting this place mixed up with ScoutBoard...
So yes, I need to replace some of my lost income so I can continue to make this place better and better and frankly so does Tech Admin.

Excellent point. If this board takes you away from your livelyhood (and I know it does), it has to make up the difference. We get a great deal of value here and I am more than willing to pay the (less than) 77 cents per week annual Supporting member dues. It's a ridiculously low cost for everything we get even without the additional perks.
Why thanks Walter! It's good that someone sees that I am worth at least a little! :D

It is a cheap price to pay, and you even get to check it out for as long as you want BEFORE you commit! :D Somthin' screwy with that business plan!

Due to it's popularity BEFORE we have rolled it out, look for an announcement from Tech Admin a little earlier than we first indicated.
Tech Admin:
The new supporting member program has been launched, please see the announcement thread at
Normally I would be the last person to sign up for something like this on a message board. I feel that SB really has given me a lot of information and enjoyment however so have no problem to stick a little back in the pot! Lets face it - it's a hell of lot less than I ever had to pay for the rest of this sport!!:D
Rock on SB! Who knows - you might even be able to get a new server soon!
I only wish there was a payment method OTHER than PayPal - I hate that system, I have problems every time I use it!

Now, maybe The ScubaBoard Store will finally ship me the T-shirt and Mug I ordered about 5 months ago, along with my 2 Supporting Member stickers...

Scuba-sass :-)
I just submitted payment, and already a get a nifty little icon indicating my Supporting Member status. It makes a girl proud...

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