SB INVADES THE KEYS... July 14-16, 2006!

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Joining is quick and easy. Log in or Register now! is a little carrot for ya'll. I am working with some folks to support the trip and offer raffle items. The money raised will go to a good cause (or two). Still in the planning stages, but so far I have in my possession 3 Apollo mask and snorkels sets (thanks Apollo), a Brigade wetsuit, BC, and purple snorkel (thanks ScubaToys). Some other stuff is coming and is already here, but for now it's my little secret:D!
Andy is bringing sea sick pills... and going to use them... no more Green Andy dives :wink:


so-called-friends, thy name is Cruelty

Not cruel. I have not posted any pictures. :D
Newsflash: the 50th invader has signed up!

Updated files to be sent shortly...
El Orans:
Does this mean I can have the Laphroaig all to myself? :)

oh oh... watch that fever, it's climbing

better take some aspirin!
Being the great procrastinator that I am, I notice that there are no non-wreck dives available on Saturday or early Sunday. Do you think any more will be added. My wife is OW and unable to dive the wrecks. It's not important if there isn't. We'll find some to do on our own and party with ya'll at night! :D
Being the great procrastinator that I am, I notice that there are no non-wreck dives available on Saturday or early Sunday. Do you think any more will be added. My wife is OW and unable to dive the wrecks. It's not important if there isn't. We'll find some to do on our own and party with ya'll at night! :D

Argh, Pirate dude! We get to meet up and play together twice next month. Can't wait. I'm already licking my chops in anticipation of those steaks at Ruth's Chris.
Argh, Pirate dude! We get to meet up and play together twice next month. Can't wait. I'm already licking my chops in anticipation of those steaks at Ruth's Chris.
Last I heard Chip was buying, right?:D

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