I respect your opinions and you are certainly entitled to them. In general, I agree with your statements in your first 3 paragraphs. However, you seem to only have knowledge of DU. You must know that every year, billions of dollars are spent on habitat restoration and preservation publicly and privately by most all sportsman's organizations. This forum is not the place to discuss the contributions of each one. You should know, however, that the impact is far greater than you believe.
As far as accounting, do not neglect the bycatch of commercial fleets. Commercial party boats, if you believe they are a detrimental, can easily be moderated by the DFG and DFG biologists. Their harvests are carefully recorded and reported, and the RCG complex populations are monitored under a watchful eye. I am not here to defent party boats and am not a fan of them myself. Remember, it is the entire MLPA that is in question here, so to reference it begs the question.
Regarding fees of non-consumptive users, it is well known that with the areas the MLPA want to ban are too vast and scattered to be effectively enforced. The meager fees that reserve users will pay will certainly not be able to cover the costs of this additional area. Furthermore, closing the areas of the coast that the MLPA wants to will not reduce overall fishing, instead it will concentrate fishing into fewer areas, putting more pressure on the REST OF THE ECOSYSTEM. So while we might have some areas that do alright, those too will eventually suffer. Again, hearts are in the right place, but dearly misguided.
How long have I been diving these waters? Mexico gave what is now Santa Cruz county to our family in a land grant when what we now know as California was Mexico, so as a family, we have been enjoying the very areas in question here for quite some time, more than most.
King Solomon is irrelevant in today's society. What would the result of your call upon King Solomon be if this was done with forests. Instead of selective, harvest, we clearcut half the forests and leave the others to become so thick, that they are unchecked and burn completely during the first fire. Solomon logic is already used in southern california and it doesn't work well, and certainly doesn't help the ecosystem!