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Each one's dancing to his/her own tune, bopping to the music in their heads, kinda like the Florida Conch Divers...
Each one's dancing to his/her own tune, bopping to the music in their heads, kinda like the Florida Conch Divers...

Hey pal... you know I'm not going to leave you hanging (LOL)
Zambulle means to dip or to dunk something. :crafty:
Never have so far!
I found a web site that creates MadLibs style religious texts. I entered a few of our favorite terms, and this is what I got back...

New Religion Creation
'Old Testament'

In the beginning God created the sausage and the bottle. The bottle was without divers and slippery. Then God said let there be bottom time and there was bottom time. And God saw the bottom time, that it was lubricated. On the 6th day God created the first man, Wilbur. And God saw Wilbur, that he was turgid. God then took one of Wilbur's testes and made the first woman, Mortimer. And God said you shall not eat of the manatee of boat for if you do you shall surely swim. But unfortunately a wily sharks tricked Mortimer into eating of the manatee of boat while God wasn't looking. He eventually found out and kicked them out of the garden. Wilbur and Mortimer then had two sons, Cane and Able. Cane was a pokeer of cojones, while Able was a herder of rats. Cane then gave God an offering of flaccid jellyfishes and Able gave Him an offering of wieners. But God really preferred the salchichones so Cane slyly ate Able in the fields. For that God cursed Cane to poke cojones forever.
ok... this is scary:

To her husband's surprise the Virgin Scuba Jenny was pregnant with child. Fortunately for Virgin Scuba Jenny, an angel explained that her child was Grier Christ, the world's lord and accountant, the glorious third cousin once removed of God. At his birth angels told shepherds in the field to follow a shining cracker to find him. Also, three high whales came bearing gifts of tables and clocks. Yea verily, and it came to pass, after Grier Christ was baptized by being submerged in revolvers he gave the sermon on the doll. At the sermon on the doll Grier Christ taught: Blessed are the slow for they shall curse the cameras, and black are the silver for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Grier Christ also performed many miracles such as when he turned cats into horses at his friend's wedding, and made the stuffy man not so stuffy. Unfortunately the rulers became angry with the influence of Grier Christ, So they spoke him of a book . But someday he will return in magnificent glory... So tithe and watch your back!!
And this is really scary....

In the beginning God created the horse and the wetsuit. The wetsuit was without divers and bright. Then God said let there be weightbelt and there was weightbelt. And God saw the weightbelt, that it was close. On the 6th day God created the first man, Andy. And God saw Andy, that he was amorous. God then took one of Andy's fingers and made the first woman, Grier. And God said you shall not eat of the Coral of Ft. Lauderdale for if you do you shall surely swam. But unfortunately a wily fish tricked Grier into eating of the Coral of Ft. Lauderdale while God wasn't looking. He eventually found out and kicked them out of the garden. Andy and Grier then had two sons, Cane and Able. Cane was a climber of rock lobsters, while Able was a herder of lobster. Cane then gave God an offering of hairy jetties and Able gave Him an offering of rabbits. But God really preferred the rabbits so Cane remotely jumped Able in the fields. For that God cursed Cane to climb rock lobsters forever.
"My God! I've created a monster!"
-Dr. Victor Frankenstein

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