Don't know about the medical stuff, I barely can answer the how was the diving question.
Diving was great. Ken got there before the rest of us and sold out and jumped in with some guy who had better toys than we did
- but he did bring a kick ***** tent so we'll forgive him, so it was Jason and Mark (clean shaven - freaky) buddied together and Greg, Jeff and I for the first dive.
Jason and Mark went over some cave diving drills while Greg and I watched Jeff try out for the summer olympics in speed finning. Man that boy has some fin power. Greg and I would drift along and Jeff would dart to and fro trying to remember how to read his compass. Greg and I never worried about losing him, because the circles he was swimming around himself kept him pretty in check.
Happy Birthday Jeff! Just remember 270!!!!
Viz was down, but still better than Summersville. Temp at 42 feet was 66 degrees. Have no fear the wheel house is still there. I checked just long enough to let my fin brush the top and then scooted out of there for warmer ground.
Second dive Ken got sold back to us for chump change, I guess his new found buddy found more friends. We were glad to have him back though, he had the pineapple.
All in all it was a great day and I was really glad that we made the trip. Met some other people from SB and hope to see more presence next weekend. I can't wait. See you guys on Friday.
270 Forever!!! If ya'll see Jeff down there just point him towards the dock. Thanks!