I am considering a whites fusion as my first drysuit. Looking at the different options I noticed that the SAR version seems to have the left dump valve on the forearm rather than the shoulder like the others. Otherwise the SAR version seems identical (apart from color) from the fusion tech. Is this valve placement an option? Why is it in a different location? Are there other differences between the SAR fusion and the fusion tech?
I am also looking into dryglove mounting systems for this suit. Ideally I would like something that allows me to change the latex (or silicon) seals easily a la zipseal, and mount generic inexpensive drygloves. Recommendations?
All suggestions and comments much appreciated. The world of drysuit options and accessories is pretty daunting if you are a warm water diver trying to figure it all out from internet sources
I am also looking into dryglove mounting systems for this suit. Ideally I would like something that allows me to change the latex (or silicon) seals easily a la zipseal, and mount generic inexpensive drygloves. Recommendations?
All suggestions and comments much appreciated. The world of drysuit options and accessories is pretty daunting if you are a warm water diver trying to figure it all out from internet sources