Sanibel, FL.

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Hatboro, PA
# of dives
500 - 999
The wife and I needed some R&R so we went to one of the prettiest and classiest places in Florida, Sanibel Island. Sure, Hurricane Charley did a number on this place but the locals had restored the island back minus the invasive Australian Pines. They are now mostly gone. We also wanted to get in a couple of dives. With air temps in the 60’s and water temps to match we packed dry suits. Neither of us owns a 6mm wetsuit.

We contacted four dive boats and all said the same thing. Too much wind and the viz is 5 feet (five miles out)! I really wanted to dive offshore where the viz is usually good. But, the winds would not allow the relatively small dive boat (size) fleet to make the 30 mile journey with small craft warnings up all week.

So, I call Barbara at Diver City and we made the four hour drive to Tavernier Key. Rain was following us all the way there but somewhere on the connector to the keys the skies brighten and the wind died down. Barb was ready and the boat was running. She had 30% mix in four steel tanks (with DIN) for us to dive the Eagle and again if conditions were OK. The ride out was smooth but as soon as we tied into the buoy I saw that the surface current was ripping. We turned around the boat and did a stern tie off and into the water we went. This was a hand over hand trip all the way down. On the stern, (where a 150 pound grouper meet us) I could then tell the current was awash over the ship’s side and not stern to bow. I dropped down to the sand and the current was so strong that in pushed me almost under the wreck. The wife was still near the top of the stern where the current was shadowed but still strong. I pulled myself back up to the top of the stern and we both attempted to penetrate the rear deck bridge. The currents allowed no free swimming and after a few futile minutes of hand over hand exploring, we gave up and decided to call it a dive. Maximum depth was 110 feet. W did our 55 foot hang and then five minutes at 20 feet. Popped to the surface and let the current drift us back to the drift line (the boat had turned around and the bow was now tied to the buoy). Total dive time was 28 minutes. We usually do a 45 minute multi level dive on the Eagle. This was a disappointment. We then decided on a drift dive for the second dive. The ripping currents on this dive pushed us too quickly into the sandy areas and away from the ledges and trenches where the wild life lives and made for a second, boring dive.

We were the only two divers on the boat. Barb was great as usual. The four hour drive back seemed to never end. I was really tired. I would also do it again!
what's the saying, the worst day of diving is still better than the best day at work. :D
lets hope this season offers better weather opportunities than last season.
i'll be starting the springtime sacrifices in my yard shortly. hopefully the gods will be pleased.
does anyone have a goat?

thanks for the report bill.
We spent a week with Diver City last May and ran into similar currents. The difference was all the currents were stern to bow. This allowed a hot drop on the stern ball and a nice drift dive to the bow. The boat would putter around the bow. When divers surfaced, we drifted away for the ball so the boat could swing around and allow us to snag the trail line and hoist aboard. Barbara and Diver City is the ONLY boat I ever dove with who would allow experienced divers to dive in this fashion. Since there was never more than 4 divers this worked really well. Larger dive boats could not do this since there could be divers drifting everywhere. We had a great week of diving when no other boat would go out except to the reefs.

I urge all SB and Wreck Valley members to support Barbara and Diver City. She works really hard and I am sure she is at best breaking even. She is also a Northeast native (Pittsburgh, PA.) She can do Tec and Rec. She has the mixes and also teaches what she dives.
Hey, next time you head down to my neck of the woods, drop me a PM - I live 8 miles from Sanibel and can get you to the right places or on the right boat to do so. From the post dates you were down here when we had some nasty weather though. Even in 60' of water 15 miles off Sanibel at the Arc Towers you'd have had very bad visibility which kind of cuts the fun of taking a 45 minute ride out. A shame your not here this weekend, its unbelievably beautiful out right now!

You didn't happen to get onto Captiva or head up to Punta Gorda area to see the rest of the path of Charley did ya?? Words cannot describe...
Hey, next time you head down to my neck of the woods, drop me a PM - I live 8 miles from Sanibel and can get you to the right places or on the right boat to do so. From the post dates you were down here when we had some nasty weather though. Even in 60' of water 15 miles off Sanibel at the Arc Towers you'd have had very bad visibility which kind of cuts the fun of taking a 45 minute ride out. A shame your not here this weekend, its unbelievably beautiful out right now!

You didn't happen to get onto Captiva or head up to Punta Gorda area to see the rest of the path of Charley did ya?? Words cannot describe...

We were on Sanibel for 6 days. Yes, I saw Captiva and considering the damage, things were back up for the most part. South Seas resort was still down. We have been regular visitors for over 15 years now.

We will be back in Sanibel in August. We usually drive through for a couple of days on our way home from the Florida Keys. We do the RV thing. You are welcome to join us in the Keys (usually around Marathon). If you can get us onto some decent dive spots that would be well worth the effort. Thanks. PM me anytime.

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