Ok, over the last 2 days I've read all 230 posts in this thread. All I can say "There but the Grace of God could have been me" I see soooo many parallels it's just spooky. It is definatly time to acess and reacess how to hadndle various scenarios "before" I am in even a slightly panicked mode. Maybe [hopefully] I can get some advice and feedback to help me prevent being the subject of such a thread. Here goes:
I learned to dive in the 80's and always used a weight integrated BC.. that is until now. I'm considering using a 12lb belt and splitting my weights. My BC is an i3 Pearl and I love it, but it's lift capacity is not enough to support ALL of the lead I need in cold CA Waters. My BC also has a crotch strap that does not disconnect very easily. I've tried putting the belt [at home not in the water yet] over the BC straps/band but it doesn't sit well with the BC under the weight belt. So I have put the belt first and then the BC with the wt belt under the crotch strap. I just tried removing the weight belt with the BC and critch strap over and really fought with it taking nearly 5 min to do so infront of a mirror... this will not work in an emergency situation.
I was out of CA watre for a few years and was pretty anxious about just plunging back in. I hunted for suggestions, took a refresher [totally worthless in my case] and finally hired a DM who became a great mentor to help me reintegrate. I tend to be an "entanglement magnet" as dubbed by many over the years, be it boat current lines, kelp, you name it it comes right toward me! an OP in Hawaii laughted himself sill as he wittnessed a line literally move from stationary to me the second "I" hit the water.. The DM in the water untangled it and was holding it and another section of line made the same B-line for me. It was a good joke the whole week but never failed to happen.
Just to clarify, I tend to be an "overly cautious diver" according to most I know. I am aware of my limitations both physically and diving and tend to seek extra help or training to overcome my aprehension... with that said, kelp and/or different equipment can be quite impacting.
I've been on a few boat charters... most were more than happy to help if I were honest ahead of time and told them what I wanted/needed. This was not the case last month with a highly respected SoCA charter. I always take my BC off in the water and pass it up to the boat Op. It is physically difficult if not impossible to climb aboard with my heavy gear [with integ weights] in place.
Last month beginning of Lobster season and pretty knarly weather I took the first dive as there was reportedly no current and little surge.. RIGHT! NOT! It kicked my butt and I headed back up discusted with about 850 psi. I got pretty tangled in the kelp and my buddy/hubby didn't notice. I was trapped just under the canopy and couldn't seem to break through. I finally did at 200psi and in quite a beginning panic as I'd never let air get that low. Thank God it was a very short crawl to the at the platform which was engulfed in kelp. The guys on board stoof on the boat deck [swimstep + second step + 4 stairs] and told me to climb out. [after I'd told them I needed help getting back aboard after offdonning pack] FINALLY one guy came to the first step above the platform to help. I bet I struggled much more than 5 min. but it seemed like hours!!! Once I was unclipped I must have layed/floated on that swimstep for a good 10 min [to prevent homicide]
OK.. that was too long a recap but here is the $1,000,000 question. What would have happened if a weight belt was "caught" under that BC? Would I have sunk below the canopy? [panicked and exausted] The crew didn't want to get their feet wet on the swim step and I doubt they would have come in after me. Would ditching my weights have made manuvering the kelp easier? is there a safer way to seperate my weights for easy ditching?
I would really love constructive feedback. Consider this your chance to really prevent a divers accident or death.
I learned to dive in the 80's and always used a weight integrated BC.. that is until now. I'm considering using a 12lb belt and splitting my weights. My BC is an i3 Pearl and I love it, but it's lift capacity is not enough to support ALL of the lead I need in cold CA Waters. My BC also has a crotch strap that does not disconnect very easily. I've tried putting the belt [at home not in the water yet] over the BC straps/band but it doesn't sit well with the BC under the weight belt. So I have put the belt first and then the BC with the wt belt under the crotch strap. I just tried removing the weight belt with the BC and critch strap over and really fought with it taking nearly 5 min to do so infront of a mirror... this will not work in an emergency situation.
I was out of CA watre for a few years and was pretty anxious about just plunging back in. I hunted for suggestions, took a refresher [totally worthless in my case] and finally hired a DM who became a great mentor to help me reintegrate. I tend to be an "entanglement magnet" as dubbed by many over the years, be it boat current lines, kelp, you name it it comes right toward me! an OP in Hawaii laughted himself sill as he wittnessed a line literally move from stationary to me the second "I" hit the water.. The DM in the water untangled it and was holding it and another section of line made the same B-line for me. It was a good joke the whole week but never failed to happen.
Just to clarify, I tend to be an "overly cautious diver" according to most I know. I am aware of my limitations both physically and diving and tend to seek extra help or training to overcome my aprehension... with that said, kelp and/or different equipment can be quite impacting.
I've been on a few boat charters... most were more than happy to help if I were honest ahead of time and told them what I wanted/needed. This was not the case last month with a highly respected SoCA charter. I always take my BC off in the water and pass it up to the boat Op. It is physically difficult if not impossible to climb aboard with my heavy gear [with integ weights] in place.
Last month beginning of Lobster season and pretty knarly weather I took the first dive as there was reportedly no current and little surge.. RIGHT! NOT! It kicked my butt and I headed back up discusted with about 850 psi. I got pretty tangled in the kelp and my buddy/hubby didn't notice. I was trapped just under the canopy and couldn't seem to break through. I finally did at 200psi and in quite a beginning panic as I'd never let air get that low. Thank God it was a very short crawl to the at the platform which was engulfed in kelp. The guys on board stoof on the boat deck [swimstep + second step + 4 stairs] and told me to climb out. [after I'd told them I needed help getting back aboard after offdonning pack] FINALLY one guy came to the first step above the platform to help. I bet I struggled much more than 5 min. but it seemed like hours!!! Once I was unclipped I must have layed/floated on that swimstep for a good 10 min [to prevent homicide]
OK.. that was too long a recap but here is the $1,000,000 question. What would have happened if a weight belt was "caught" under that BC? Would I have sunk below the canopy? [panicked and exausted] The crew didn't want to get their feet wet on the swim step and I doubt they would have come in after me. Would ditching my weights have made manuvering the kelp easier? is there a safer way to seperate my weights for easy ditching?
I would really love constructive feedback. Consider this your chance to really prevent a divers accident or death.