Boogie711 once bubbled...
There's no difference between an ATX50 octo and an ATX200 octo. They're identical.
Sure are... Well, with the exception of the fact that the 200 and 50 have different faceplates with different trim (the 50 has a black trim, while the 200 has a "chrome" trim underneath the faceplate). Also, the 50 does not have the little aluminum heat sink thingie to warm the air coming into the second stage (right at the hose connection) while the 200 does. Of course, not that it really makes any difference...
Oh yeah... The 200 has all aluminum knobs, whereas the 50 has chrome over steel knobs... Apparently it's to save weight, although I can't tell the gram or two difference, even if I'm looking for it.
...And while I haven't had either of them open, I understand that the 200 has a replacable valve seat contraption that's not replaceable in the 50... Or that you'd have to replace the whole assembly in the 50... Or something like that. The bottom line, I understand, is that the 200 has one more part that's servicable over the 50, although I don't quite understand the need for it.
...And the 200 comes with the ATX200 first stage, where the 50 comes with either the DS4 or the DST, your choice. The 200 has been touted as having better hose routing (and my main reason for buying it over the 50) than the DS4 or DST - although none of them have bad hose routing.
...But yeah, other than that, they're identical.
...Sorry, just had to "get a burr" for a moment.
BTW, I just purchased an ATX200 1st and 2nd, with an ATX50 as a backup.

I'm impressed.
Also... If anyone ever needs paperwork on rebuilding the Apeks regs - whether you need instruction, schematics, parts, etc... I just put all of that information up on my website. Scubapro too...