Exactly, this reg is quickly taken apart, cleaned, and re-tuned. That's because it has a long barrel like the G250, and the adjusting knob is held in by a pin. We wrote about the internals here. I have since replaced the splined jam nut on mine with the titanium nut with flats that is a part from the S620-X-ti, so it can be serviced without special tools in the field.From a servicing point of view it is nice to work on. It is definitely an improvement over the later S-series, as in it is easier to break down, re-assemble, and tune. So far, everyone whom I know that dives the S620Ti really like it.
Breathing wise I would say it is similar to Atomic, but thanks to the adjustable VIVA vane it has a bit stronger venturi when fully opened. Also the adjusting knob has a very wide range for the cracking pressure. I set mine so it leaks fully open and acts as a seat saver, and yet it closes the reg down so tight it can't freeflow when used as a backup and jumping off a boat etc.
Congrats Scubapro, this one is really well done (My first stages are still Atomic T1s though). Hard to recommend such an expensive reg, but I do love it.